Anonymous ID: 42774b Feb. 19, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.5277884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8188


ZetaTalk Newsletter as of February 24, 2019


  • Secret Wars: Nuke-sniffing Poseidon detects dirty bomb in LA, military extraction op. Hawaii missile alert in January 2018 done by the Cabal to initiate war with North Korea. June 2018 missile launch on AF1 an attempt by the Cabal to assassinate the president. January 2019 MLKWeekend was another foiled assassination attempt. All are examples of secret war between Q and the Cabal.


  • Child-sacrificing Moloch worshippers: Record number of sealed indictments evidence of secret war: NoName not dead but imprisoned at gitmo, not made public. John of God, harvesting babies for Moloch-worshipping Cabal, an example of prosecutions made public. Push by democrats to legalize super late term abortion a scheme to secretly harvest live babies for the Moloch-worshipping Cabal.


  • Cabal misadventures: Elon Musk's plan to launch 4425 satellites to give free internet really a plan to track the earth's population, will not be allowed.


  • EMP on the increase: Blue lights over NYC. Military and commercial airplanes increasingly forced to make emergency landings.