turns out, maybe not the best thing for you
turns out, maybe not the best thing for you
why's it lousy with pitchmen tonight? why're there tv commercials on the board? i know it's free speech, but shilling for the networks? c'mon anons… be better
coordination media, can't get off the narrative tracks
john wayne: hates blacks and fags: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/john-waynes-racist-homophobic-playboy-interview-resurfaces/
kuk lux klan needs to night ride, says ancient racist dingbat: http://time.com/5533144/alabama-newspaper-ku-klux-klan-resurgence/
burberry upsets itself for maybe upsetting people upset by a hoax, but also, yaknow, necking yourself: https://www.npr.org/2019/02/19/696124644/burberry-apologizes-for-noose-like-knot-on-fashion-hoodie