There wouldnt be any mass libtard riots in the remote event of Trump actually locking up some of the well-known deep state criminals and traitors. I've personally witnessed several Auntie Fag/BLM protests and local l.e. could wrap them up very easily. You lock some of the front people up and the rest disappear like the shitty cowards they are.
God, Family, Country are the 3 things the nwo hates most.
See for many good articles on this subject.
Since few Q posts have translated into real habbenings, there's not much difference.
Tell us more news from 3 years ago.
Idc either, but I come hard against this no-good nigger faggot.
Smokes With Glass's drumbeats intensify.
You keep that for 2023, it will be Boom Boom glorious.
No sauce for any habbenings though. Reports, investigations, internet posts, twats. Typical of our do-nothing generation.
I've seen that show. Douchey to say the least.
If you were as slow doing that as the Trump Admin is at serving justice, you'd give it to your grandkids.
BoHo Club has a 15-year waiting list.
Add some slaps for the fashion violations.
They're not as many as tv makes it look. I saw one where the heavily-equipped cops literally outnumbered them 3 to 1.
He probably has better moral character than her.
Elections are a joke after the last round of vote fraud. I regret voting at Trump's urging and I dont intend to ever vote again. Show me real voting roll purging and shut down immigration, then I might think about it. There are many millions like me.
All these crooked demoncrat states are propped up by the feds with the ff disasters like the Cal fires etc etc. That's how you kill these demoncrats, along with purging the voting rolls. Gov Cuomo is whining about the new tax code, which exposes the demoncrats for the incompetent crooks they are.
Usually, "Nobody" gets the most voters.
I have zero doubt these rats will flip on each other. It will be a rat race.
These dumb cops will go to the gallows insisting they were right.
Any heavy drug use contributes, cigarettes, alcohol, junk foods, anything that deprives your brain of good nutrition.
So the bald dude crossing the street is George?
Has Geragos ever won a case?
RIP Toots Lil Fighter.
Point, however, wont that ALWAYS be a threat preventing any serious action against the deep state?
Cal banned plastic straws, but now suddenly require pot to be double wrapped in plastic packages.
Agree /they/ need to be exterminated.
Agree. Seems like a drunk too.
Disarm the police, make them sell their weapons. Problem solved.