Oh fuck, its too early for this crap
My thoughts as well.
I dont believe if there is in fact intelligent life out there attempting to make contact, they would destroy our crops to do it.
Yeah, he's like herpes
Just more shit to make us chase our tails when its probably just Hollywood or laser tech
Will be over with Sibel Edmonds if you need me
I completely agree with you but I'm saying if they are that intelligent they wouldnt be making contact in our crops, of all things, knowing its our food supply.
Deep, indeed.
Why does it have to be a crop?
Why not a hillside or mountainside next to a busy freeway or draw some shit in the sky or even hijack some radio frequencies?
Doing it in crops, again taking into consideration their technology is far ahead of ours and they are monitoring or watching us and the planet, seems like a fuck you to me when they could most likely have many other options kek
A nice lizard skin coat could be a new trend when this is all over.