u ever seen that western Purgatory - seein that go down right now.
Saints line up on one side
Demons lined up with msm, pretty obvious
u ever seen that western Purgatory - seein that go down right now.
Saints line up on one side
Demons lined up with msm, pretty obvious
Demoncrats are counting on the cuck base they held back when Bernie was with her is still there.
There is no there, dumas, they've grown up and are waking up - begrudgingly
and, the younger set see right through the lies and bullshit and are happy Mommy and Daddy are WORKING!!
Thank you POTUS for the JOBS!
How do you spell winning? JOBS BITCH.
muhjuh shekel is a shekel earned. how much do you hold on to today, do you care about your fellow man, muhneighbor?
indeed slavery is a job and poverty is reality.
I like to eat and drink, do you?
my bad, you sounded like a pink nigger commie, no offense.
In this economy, well yes, yes I do.
Thank you again POTUS sir, prove idiots live the above wrong, again and again.
AOC - arm me geddon is not the name of a of club or global warming.
Do You live in Tel Aviv at the moment?
How do you feel about open source digging and POTUS openly sharing his feelings with anons?
Will you have an open and friend discourse about your feelings and lack of morals and ethics.
Can you have an open mind or do you believe only training in darkness?
Fren's asking, been asking all night
Answer the question lynn, are u in Tel Aviv?