Are autistic people psychic? An opinion piece.
"I am Autistic first of all. And there was a thread earlier from long ago where people talked about how various mental states we consider "disorders", such as ADHD, and others, could also be manifestations of Psi.
But in my case, I think Autistic people are one population that is likely to all possess psychic abilities to some degree; perhaps even more so than the general population.
So I am Autistic myself, and all my life aside from knowing I was different, I always felt like I did have abilities that some didn't possess. Of course, many were typical Autistic skills like collecting information on certain things, memorizing certain things with excellent detail, and exhibiting high levels of skill in certain practices (music in particular).
But I also seemed to possess abilities including precognition to a high degree, being able to sense things before they happen, sometimes reacting inhumanly fast, and was often praised for my past reflexes. This is actually also supported by a study done concluding that Autistics can sense movement twice as fast as non-autistic individuals.
In addition to this, I often seem to have my mind synchronized telepathically with certain people, particularly my mother and others: I am often thinking the same things as them, or, alternatively, I am thinking of them and suddenly they will interact with me.
In addition to this, I have had precognitive dreams, including a dream that may have saved the life of my grandfather as I was able to locate him in the midst of a stroke and get him help just in the nick of time.
I am also typically able to sense if I will have a significant interaction with another individual in the future….
Then there are a few scientific facts to consider: Autistic people have a vastly more complex sensory and cognitive experience of the world; this chaotic experience essentially shapes us and makes us who we are. It can cause difficulties, but can also be a gift. The intense world theory discusses how Autistic brains perceive the world a lot more intensely, including feeling extremely high levels of empathy (contrary to stereotypes). We are also known for our abilities to intensely concentrate and "hyperfocus", something that seems to be a key in harnessing psychic abilities.
It is quite possible that many of the prodigious skills, or even above-average talents that Autistic people quite often possess come from manifestations of Psi; that we have some sort of psychic power.
Anyway, that's pretty much what I have. I think Autistic people, most of us, can use Psi (psychic abilities) to a pretty decent degree, perhaps more than the average population, in large part due to our abilities to concentrate and our unique, intense sensory experiences, that often grant us higher levels of perception. My own experiences also suggest that such is true. It isn't without reason that I consider Autistics to be "real life Jedi". "
>Is this board channeling collective psi power to counter the deep state? With the history of certain government agencies utilizing remote viewing 8ch is giving a new meaning to "weaponized autism"