An interesting story from my time on active duty:
I was in the US Navy from 2001-2007. My rate (job) was Fire Controlman, and after my initial school, I eventually chose to join the AEGIS program as a computer technician. For those of you who are unfamiliar, AEGIS is the missile defense system the Navy uses on it's warships, mainly Destroyers, Cruisers, and Frigates. It is a phenomenal system with deadly accuracy and target tracking capabilities. In fact the system is still so effective that I believe they eventually adapted the technology to be used as a land based missile defense system. For example, my first ship was able to attain skin to skin hits on almost every exercise, which is more than what is required for the missiles we use to destroy the target.
During my first AEGIS school, my class was informed that we would have some Chiefs from the Saudi military joining us for the duration. We were not given a choice, but it also didn't seem like a big deal at the time. I was very young, but even then I had the duh moment of realizing that if we were training them on the AEGIS weapon system, it was because we had sold the technology to the Saudis…Now don't get me wrong, these guys were by no means military geniuses, half of them hardly paid attention, they barely understood the lessons when they did, and one instructor told me they actually had some type of agreement where the Saudis were not even allowed to fail the class…They would huddle up during our exams and cheat off of each other, and presumably were giving passing grades even if they failed. SO I guess it's somewhat of a good news/bad news situation.
I'm just one guy that went through one training program, but we all know rogue players in our government have both openly and secretly been supplying our enemies with our weapons tech for decades. Granted, having the tech is only part of the equation, it still requires trained operators who know what they're doing to truly optimize these weapons systems, but god dam man, how much of our own weapons technology is currently in the hands of our biggest enemies?