Look like niggas trying to force the Question?
It’s known they offer money because they want first dibs if the “start-up” becomes anything
Head to /comms/ Acosta
That’s why they lost
I’m reading your questions, not clear to me what your ailment is?
Why not both?
Work got hacked, don’t usually spend time on this shift but got nothing else to do
This got memoryholed like a mofo
Kek they told me my pc would be done this AM yesterday yet here I am…….
Aha, I use notepad+ and have a tab(4) for each section of the loaf.
I only fill out the title, edition # etc… into the new thread until about 650-700 then I start to copypasta the rest of the dough. Hope that helps?
Baking early is good when you haven’t spent much time in the kitchen, shit gets hot at times.
When Q posts, and during rallys the bread flies.
Be ready.
WDSHN was a “hero” too for a while
Gonny be pres till 2024 kek
Is that a brrrrrrrrtttttt I hear?