Telecom fag here when they created the bell system govt paid seed money giving them control/regulation Probably how social media started thus they can regulate
Not earlier and since this is the only place where you talk anymore ya think we could be a little more lax on the newfags? just a suggestion
start up companies cost a lot of money and govt like to keep fingers in pie. Also think Dopey owning Twitter & being into trafficing which means our treasury has the bucks
yes gvt doesn't like to give up what it has "owned"
agreed, they love their funds
Do they still do the flex arm hang?
I don't want to be a globalists
Yeah and their getting hurt so bad. Their fierce tho. Remember their stock is from Martel the Hammer
D's and R's = the Uni Party
Morn you Night me WestCoast
their military police are horrible gardโฆ. I can't remember senior moment
ok lurking
Boomers are Gen Flynn, Adm Rogers, and Potus
me too along Gen Mattis, Gen Kelly, etc
got it