Anonymous ID: 30f5d0 Feb. 20, 2019, 5:35 a.m. No.5281965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2012


But more than any of that, it is arguably Foxx’s zest for storytelling — or more particularly, for telling her story — that has captured the attention of both her constituents and celebrities. She now counts the rapper Common and singer John Legend as friends, and a while back, when she saw the superstar U.S. senator Kamala Harris across the room at an Emily’s List event and went over to introduce herself, Foxx had barely gotten a word out before Harris interrupted and said, “You’re Kim Foxx! I’ve been watching you.”


So have a lot of us.


She has only been in office for a little more than a year, but Cook County’s top prosecutor Kim Foxx is already attracting admiring attention from Democrats on the national stage.


Foxx on Wednesday night was feted by the party’s Washington, D.C., elite at a gala dinner where she received the Gabrielle Giffords Rising Star Award from Emily’s List, the major political action committee that works to elect pro-choice women nationwide.


The state’s attorney shared a table with Sen. Cory Booker and met with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at the event, also attended by Democratic gubernatorial nominee J.B. Pritzker.


That’s the kind of clout that would be very helpful in a run for higher office.