Anonymous ID: 54f0ca Feb. 20, 2019, 6:08 a.m. No.5282217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2240 >>2272


This kind of crap "feminism" undermines the very real, traumatic and societally destabilizing impact of actual sexual assault. Women who have been sexually assaulted may have problems parenting with compassion and rationality due to their unreported traumas and the lingering PTSD issues.


This then gets passed down to succeeding generations as familial dysfunction. You can judge a society by how well it treats and regards its females. Societal norms dressed up as "chivalry" are mostly about men protecting women and children from abuse. That is NOT a bad thing, and "feminists" who oppose protective gestures toward women are actually working AGAINST the best interests of women and of society as a whole. But then again, one can say the same thing about all this gender-fluidity crap: it endangers actual women and children and works against the best interest of society.

Anonymous ID: 54f0ca Feb. 20, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.5282350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2495


Women who think they're advocating for "women's rights" or female-power AND who don't want children, simply don't recognize the MOST powerful aspect of being female. Lots of homosexual men will marry a woman just so they can obtain progeny.


I get that women don't want to be discriminated against in the workplace, to make less money for the same job, to be denied insurance, etc. Government should NOT be in the business of creating strata in society, period. But for women to exert themselves to be as unfeminine and unladylike as possible has nothing to do with helping women's cause and everything to do with the communists' stated and published goals of destroying the family unit as a way to destroy the USA.