Okay Anons, I think I just found something big.
When I write "6/10, would bang," what do you read in your head? For me, it's "six out of ten, would bang." What if we're looking at numbers like this, and seeing them in an unChan-like manner? 9/11 for instance: we think of the date, but what about "9 out of 11"?
In post #365, Q talked about markers–the ones we were familiar with, and different ones. He mentioned 12/7 - 12/17, which is a ten day difference. But with ~114 days in phase 1, that information is basically useless–you can find all kinds of periods of ten days.
But what about the times he'd mentioned 7/10?
I was making a table for the "Think Mirror" thing to show which days were equidistant from others with 12/23 as midpoint. Because that worked, I realized that it was post days that mattered, not post numbers. So I marked all the days he'd posted, then realized that, if you count the number of posts in a certain period of days, there are only certain ways that you can get "7/10," for instance. That narrows things down considerably. Maybe call it the "P's out of D's" hypothesis, kek.
So I dug a little bit, saw the "Hint: 12/19" (#417), and only found one period where there were 12 posting days over a 17 day period…and on the day in the center of that period was post #162:
>QMAP 1/2 confirmed.
>This is the key.
This may answer a lot. The first post mentions 10/30, and mentions riots plus national guard activation. We couldn't prove it…but maybe that's because it hasn't happened yet(!)
I haven't dug too deeply to find correlations. I just pissed myself when I saw #162.
I'm uploading an image to show the posts, an image so people can identify the ranges, and a picture of something only I have. Just so I can pass it on to my kids if we make history here ;)