I think you are approaching this wrong.
You are not trying to get them to join you and be your comrades. The average person is, unfortunately, a rather simple beast. Pigs in human clothing content to consume and reproduce the overwhelming majority of the time. You are among those who thrive on adventure and love to entertain new, even wrong ideas. Not that we aren't our own Piggly selves at times - but we are usually the first to reach out and poke something with a stick.
Our role is to give people the tools to understand what is going on when the world inverts.
The goal of the media is to try and convince conservatives that this is a time of desperation and that they are about to lose. They want nothing more than armed militias shooting at antifa or whomever.
Whether they underestimate the threat is irrelevant. The resulting civil war that would eventually consume the revolutionaries would destroy our country to such a degree that we would be parted out to foreign powers. I will have to look it up, but there was a site talking about how the Russians modeled an economic collapse of the U.S. and how it would split and align with foreign influences.
In strategic warfare, the capacity for war is targeted. Labor, food, industry - all equally valid targets for those whose might can render 'right' to academia.
When things begin to get hairy, people need to know that this is part of a plan, that their enemies are not so much the people next to them as it is the people who try to stand over them from the shadows.
As such, we are speaking into the future - providing a direction for them to head when the way they felt certain no longer looks so. We navigate subjects that others don't just find absurd… But they find absurd because of how evil and terrifying it would be. We regularly see things that prompt existential questions and we tackle them.
This is not how the average person thinks. It is not how they operate. It is not what they are used to - and it is certainly not what they have been educated to believe is healthy for them to do. Focus less on trying to convince them. Events will do that. The emperor cannot order back the tide. Focus on letting them know how to identify where to go when the tide does start rolling in - and showing them how to walk. They aren't going to jump up and start following you with enthusiasm. But they will be sufficiently motivated to monkey-do what they saw when the water is lapping at their face.