Anonymous ID: ff000a Feb. 20, 2019, 7:59 a.m. No.5283523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3544

Remember this May thru June 2017 event?


Comey leaks on private conversation w/Trump.

POTUS fires Leaking Comey.

Mueller appointed special counsel.


POTUS trolls Comey - Comey had better hope there is no recording of the conversation before Comey starts leaking.


Comey/Dems start the campaign demanding POTUS tapes.

(CYA move?)


POTUS ends the troll after toying with them for days - "I did not make,and do not have, any recordings."


Coast is clear.

Comey plows ahead.

Rosenstein plows ahead.

Mueller plows ahead.


But…..FISA goes both ways.

Did Comey have his cell phone with him?


Would Q-Team etal ever let POTUS be along w/Comey knowing what they knew without a purpose?


Nobody asked if somebody else recorded.

Who recorded?

Was it pursuant to a FISA?