Why We Should Pray for the Soul of HRC?
I recently did a deep spiritual dive with a very, very woke/connected woman. She could sense that the whole "Q thing" had prepped me to eagerly await long-overdue justice. I shared with her that I had–finally–made it past my thirst for actual revenge.
She told me that our "energy" never dissipates; not even after death. She posited that we all experience many, many lifetimes and we get to choose our Earthly experiences each time we "recycle".
She added that Killary (and all the black hats that are about to be "…ERADICATED from the face of the Earth") has, in effect, "taken one for the team" by playing a very evil part in this movie. She suggested that her lifetime has not been a joy ride at all; instead, it's been a difficult one to endure.
I let her continue without interruption, "When she is put down, I strongly believe that God will not only welcome her back home, but will thank her for the part(s) she played in our movie."
I thanked her and drove home with WifeAnon in silence. She had just put a REALLY BIG mouse on a giant wheel.
All of a sudden, the dots connected in my mind. I turned to WA and said, "Hon, we need to pray for all the rats, and we need to be sincere about it. Remember when I joined the monthly book discussion with the Christian business owners? One time, we discussed the importance of 'duality'."
"You see, without hatred in the world, we could never fully appreciate nor experience the depth of true love. Similarly, without evil, we couldn't appreciate and embrace goodness in others. The DS is playing the yin to our yang."
"I fully believe that the day is nigh when we will have the opportunity to ascend as a collective species, but first the evil must be vanquished. However, to do our part, we must let go of 'lower vibration' thoughts and feelings like revenge and hatred."
"Instead, I will pray and meditate for God to forgive and embrace these tortured souls. Honey, we don't need to do this for them."
"We need to do this for us."