Why does MSM feature people yelling at each other?
Noticed a trend in the MSM where the old convention of common courtesy by listening to the other person and "taking turns", even if you disagree, has given way to interrupting, taking faster and louder, arguing, blocking the other person's speech.
I'm calling it:
This is deliberate.
This is indoctrination.
It teaches those who consume TV that it's OK to react emotionally, in effect Hear-no-Evil, See-No-Evil.
TV interview shows model this behavior:
In the presence of disturbing messages (cognitive dissonance) the correct approach is to ignore it and block it out by interrupting and talking over the disturbing message.
This has increased polarization in our society. It has made the left even more zombified and the npc's even more responsive to their internal canvas of indoctrination-via-sound-bites.