Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.5285633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062

The family secret Bruce Ohr told Rod Rosenstein about Russia case


John Solomon


Who would have thought that, this deep into the Russia collusion probe, we'd be learning about yet another dossier connected to Hillary Clinton? And, as it turns out, it was sort of a family secret.


By his own account, senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr played an essential — and unorthodox — role, carrying politically tainted allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion to the FBI during the 2016 election.


First, it was unverified intelligence starting in July 2016 from Trump-hating former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Russia dossier.


Next, it was sketchy intelligence starting in August 2016 from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, an opposition-research contractor who hired Steele and was paid to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign develop political dirt on Trump.


And now we learn, from testimony that is still being kept secret from the public, that Ohr admitted to Congress last year that he also took Russia information that his wife, Nellie, assembled against Trump on a computer drive and delivered that to the FBI in 2016 — a revelation that has raised fresh concerns in Congress about a possible conflict of interest.


Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and, for a time, worked on the same Clinton-financed Russian research project as Steele, according to the testimony.


DOJ ethics rules forbid department officials from working in cases where a spouse has a financial interest, a prohibition that Bruce Ohr said he knew about when he forwarded his wife’s evidence to the FBI.


The way Ohr described it, his wife’s research was like an additional dossier assembled from Fusion GPS research to augment what Steele was separately providing the FBI.


“She (Nellie Ohr) provided me with a memory stick that included research she had done for Fusion GPS on various Russian figures,” Ohr told congressional investigators.


“And the reason she provided that information to me is, my understanding was, it related to some of the same — it related to the FBI’s Russia investigation. And she gave me that stick to give to the FBI.”


Ohr’s revelation about his wife adds yet another example of people connected to the Clinton machine flooding the FBI with anti-Trump Russia research during the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.5285649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coups are Peace, Censorship is Trust, Intolerance is Love: 3 Orwellian slogans Western leaders adore


Exactly 70 years after George Orwell’s 1984 came out, most fancy themselves smart to totalitarian doublespeak. But perverse lies need no torchlight or mass rallies, just a tailored suit, complacent media and a docile populace.


We know this, yet hear them so often that they become background noise, and even if they come from the mouths of politicians we do not believe, we let the distortions wash over us, unwilling to expend the mental effort to challenge them every time. But when we stop and think, they barely make any sense.

‘Peace-loving nations’


“Peace-loving nations” desire a “peaceful transition” in Venezuela where “peaceful protesters” are being “threatened with violence” by “dictator” Nicolas Maduro, Donald Trump declared recently.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.5285678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>6105 >>6166 >>6226

Trump Demands $2.5Bn Back For California's High-Speed Rail Fail; Pulls $929Mn Grant


The US Department of Transportation (DOT) says it is exploring legal options to claw back $2.5 billion from California in federal funds which have already been spent on the ill-fated statewide high-speed rail system, according to the New York Times.


The Trump administration is also canceling a $929 million grant which was allocated to the California High-Speed Rail Authority detailed in a letter from DOT, just one week after California Governor Newsom announced that the project had been derailed by cost overruns and numerous delays. Instead of canceling the entire project, however, Newsom announced that the state will focus on finishing the line currently under construction, running 171 miles from Merced to Bakersfield - and could open as soon as 2027.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.5285703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 10 GOP senators who may break with Trump on emergency


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President Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency in order to circumvent Congress and secure funds to build a wall on the Mexican border puts him on a collision course with lawmakers from his own party.


No Republican senator has said they will break ranks and vote in favor of a resolution of disapproval that Democrats are expected to bring to the floor, but there are reasons to expect some defections.


A number of Republicans fear Trump’s move will undermine Congress and embolden a future Democratic president to take similar actions.


Here are 10 Republican senators who could vote against the president.


Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)


Collins, a top Democratic target in 2020, has warned that the emergency declaration is “of dubious constitutionality” and a “mistake.”


She hasn’t definitively said how she will vote and suggested to reporters Thursday that her decision could swing on how much money Trump plans to redirect through his emergency declaration.


Voting against Trump’s declaration would give her some distance from the president, which could help her politically after she voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.


Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)


Murkowski said last week that the lack of a border wall is not “a matter that should be declared a national emergency.”


She has also said that acting “unilaterally” raises a concern about precedent.


“We don’t know who our next president may be, but it may be a president whose No. 1 priority is dealing with climate change, who says ‘I don’t care whether I have the support of the Congress,’ ” she said in a CBS interview. “Or a president who may say ‘I believe that gun violence in this country is the most pressing issue and I don’t care whether the Congress supports me or not.’ ”


She has also voiced anxiety about how the action could erode congressional authority.


Sen. Thom Tillis (N.C.)


Tillis is another Democratic target in 2020, though his state has voted for the GOP candidate for president in the past two cycles.


He has generally been a strong ally of Trump’s, but he may want to demonstrate independence.


Tillis, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, worries that Trump’s plan to take money from military construction projects for the wall could undermine defense readiness.


He warned in a statement that “it wouldn’t provide enough funding to adequately secure our borders” and “would create a new precedent that a left-wing president would undoubtedly utilize to implement their radical policy agenda while bypassing the authority of Congress.”

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.5285786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Measles Hysteria Peaks as More than 100 Bills in 30 States Seek to Restrict Vaccine Choice


Anti-vaxxer" and measles outbreak hysteria is sweeping the country and medical tyrants are using it to take away your rights.


Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last month, you’ve likely seen the utter hysteria in the media over the measles outbreaks in the United States. If one were to unquestioningly buy into said hysteria you’d think a deadly epidemic is sweeping the nation and children are dropping dead en masse. But that’s simply not true and the reality is there is no epidemic and no one has died.


Last month, after 36 cases of measles were confirmed in Washington state, the governor declared a state of emergency. This declaration set off a chain reaction of panic and media hype like we’ve never seen. Headlines like “For God’s Sake! Vaccinate Your Children!” and “Measles is on the rise. But telling anti-vaxxers they’re stupid won’t fix it” have run constantly since last month as the media and the government wage a war on those who advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent.


Before going any further, we should inform our readers that here at TFTP we have everyone from attorneys to biologists, to political scientists who write for us. But none of us are doctors, so we do not make recommendations about what you and your family should do in regards to vaccination. On both sides of the vaccine debate exists wild claims and half truths which can muddy the waters when making these decisions about you or your child’s health. It is important to note, however, that everyone deserves the right to make informed decisions on their own personal health and the health of their children.


That being said, if we look past the mass hysteria over the 2019 measles outbreak, we can’t really see a reason for so much fear. So far in 2019, according to the CDC, there have been 127 confirmed cases of measles in the United States.


No one has died from the measles this year. In fact, there has been only a single recorded death from measles in the last decade, which occurred in 2015. It is true that the death rates from measles are about 1 in 1,000, but it takes several years to mount 1,000 cases of measles in this country.


More people die from bee stings in the United States every year than have died from measles in the last two decades.


Despite these facts, government agents and media outlets have spun this year’s measles situation into a nightmarish crisis akin to an apocalyptic dystopian novel.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.5285838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Belgian Nazi collaborators still receive pensions for “loyalty” to Hitler


Almost 75 years after the end of World War II, a small number of Belgians who pledged allegiance to Hitler are still getting what the Nazi leader promised to them – loyalty bonuses that have never been taxed, writes.


Twenty-seven Belgians continue to receive between 425 and 1,275 euro’s per month from the German government, according to Flemish newspaper De Morgen. The allowance was to guarantee their “fidelity, loyalty, and obedience” to Adolf Hitler under a Nazi-era decree that still remains in force 74 years after the fall of the Third Reich.


De Morgen quoted researcher Alvin de Coninck, who explained those who qualified for ‘Hitler’s pension’ were residents of Belgium’s border regions who acquired German nationality during the Nazi occupation. Others were Belgians who joined the Waffen-SS – the armed wing of the SS – or other branches of the German military.


There’s a particularly sad irony in the story, according to de Coninck, who also works for a local association of Nazi concentration camp survivors.


Belgians forced to work in Germany during the occupation only received 50 euro per month in compensation after the war, he said, while the 27 recipients of Hitler’s loyalty allowance have never been taxed on this additional income, as the German Embassy did not report their names to the Belgian government.


The revelation caused quite a stir in Belgium, with local MPs demanding the bizarre arrangement be put to an end. On Tuesday, a resolution was introduced in parliament calling on the government “to tackle this problem through diplomatic means as a matter of urgency.”

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.5285856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978 >>6187 >>6285

VA Hired A Newly Released Felon Who Attacked Judge’s Daughter In The Shower, Cut Her Brakes


The VA hired John Perrys fresh out of prison to work in human resources, which assists in screening job applicants.

The VA employs many people with criminal backgrounds, who it simply asserts were “properly vetted.”

It has even re-hired a killer after he served his prison term and kept a child molester on its payroll.


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hired a human resources official fresh out of prison for breaking into the home of a judge, attacking his daughter in the shower and cutting her car’s brakes.


When John C. Perrys was arrested in Florida 2005, he was wearing a bullet-proof vest and had a shovel and a parachute cord. The Air Force captain faced up to life in prison, but was ultimately sentenced to 10 years in prison plus 30 years probation. He was released from prison Jan. 10, 2014.


Federal pay records show that by fiscal year 2015, which begins in October 2014, he was working in human resources at the VA Medical Center in West Palm Beach. His job includes “advising employees and applicants for employment,” according to his personal website. In other words, he helps shape who else the VA hires.


Perrys “was properly vetted by VA’s Human Resource Office and Security Investigations prior to his employment at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center nearly four years ago,” VA spokesman James Hutton told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Since the time of his employment, Perrys has maintained an exemplary employment record and as such has progressed into roles with increasing responsibility.”


In Puerto Rico, the local VA hospital has a convicted sex offender working in human resources advising managers on hiring and firing decisions.


“There’s no children in [the hospital], so they figure I could not harm anyone here,” Tito Santiago Martinez previously said.


That hospital, in turn, hired Braxton Linton, who began working for the VA fresh out of prison for stealing credit card information from his previous employer. At the hospital, he was in charge of purchasing prosthetics, a particularly credit card-heavy department.


“Upon applying for federal employment with VA, he answered all questions, fully disclosing all pertinent information related to his background as required on his declaration for federal employment,” another VA spokesman, Curt Cashour, told TheDCNF. “VA processed Mr. Linton’s application for employment in accordance with the suitability requirements that existed at the time and he was favorably adjudicated.”


The VA also has repeatedly re-hired people who have been fired for cause by other parts of the VA. In some cases, it has paid settlements to get rid of bad employees, only to rehire the disgraced officials. A Chicago hospital took credit for firing an employee who abused patients and lied about it, while the Phoenix hospital hired her right back.


The VA kept a child molester on its payroll and re-hired a killer after he served a prison term. A VA official falsely told Congress it hadn’t kept an employee on staff while she went to jail for an armed robbery charge. Other sex offenders work throughout the VA system across the nation.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.5285879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5917

Congressmen Call for U.S. Designation of Mexican Cartels as Terror Orgs — Los Zetas, Gulf in Crosshairs


U.S. Representatives Chip Roy (R-TX) and Dr. Mark Green (R-TN) drafted a letter that will be sent to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting specific Mexican cartel factions be designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs). The letter follows years of coverage by Breitbart News and calls from Border/Cartel Chronicles Director Brandon Darby for these specific cartel factions to be added to the terror list.


In a draft of the letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo obtained by Breitbart News, Congressmen Roy and Green wrote:


Numerous drug cartels employ terrorist tactics that clearly fit this definition, such as the Reynosa/Los Metros faction of the Gulf Cartel, the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel offshoot of the Sinaloa Cartel. These groups use terror to intimidate and to advance their agenda. They threaten the stability of governments across the globe. Even the United Nation’s Security Council has recognized the clear link between drug trafficking and terrorism.


Violent drug cartels are not just a domestic policy issue limited to their home countries. These groups view America’s sovereign borders as merely minor inconveniences. In 2017, Immigration and Customs Enforcement made more than 2,300 fentanyl arrests and 405 seizures of fentanyl totaling 2,383 pounds. Additionally, cartels operate human trafficking operations into the U.S. that compel victims into forced labor or sexual slavery. While it is difficult to estimate the number of people trafficked each year into the United States, the Department of Justice increased the number of trafficking cases filed by 79% between 2009 and 2016. About 80% of trafficked victims are women, and half are children.


“Cartels are the problem and it is time we started acting like it. These cartels undermine our national security with a relentless attack on our border while trafficking in human beings and dangerous narcotics,” Rep. Roy said in a written statement. “Cartels are endangering American citizens, our Mexican neighbors, and the migrants who seek to come here. I am proud to join my friend Rep. Mark Green to urge the State Department to consider designating them as a Foreign Terror Organization.”


Dr. Green added, “These cartels have utilized barbaric tactics including those adopted by ISIS and al Qaeda – murdering and torturing innocents, destabilizing countries and assassinating members of law enforcement. Moreover, they threaten our homeland security. Our communities suffer from the powerful and dangerous drugs cartels make available to our citizens. Fentanyl and heroin overdoses have taken thousands of lives.”


Before being elected to Congress, Dr. Green served in the U.S. Army and Army Reserves. He deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan.


“Both the Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel and CDN of Los Zetas long ago crossed the line from being drug cartels to being terror groups,” Darby tweeted last week. They directly use acts of terror to obtain and hold complete control over every facet of society in the territories they control.”



Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.5285891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5917 >>5978 >>6187 >>6285

Putin: If mid-range missiles deployed in Europe, Russia will station arms to strike decision centers


If the US deploys intermediate-range missiles in Europe, Moscow will respond by stationing weapons aimed not only against missiles themselves, but also at command and control centers, from which a launch order would come.


The warning came from President Vladimir Putin, who announced Russia’s planned actions after the US withdraws from the INF Treaty – a Cold War-era agreement between Washington and Moscow which banned both sides form having ground-based cruise and ballistic missiles and developing relevant technology.


The US is set to unilaterally withdraw from the treaty in six months, which opens the possibility of once again deploying these missiles in Europe. Russia would see that as a major threat and respond with its own deployments, Putin said.


Intermediate-range missiles were banned and removed from Europe because they would leave a very short window of opportunity for the other side to decide whether to fire in retaliation after detecting a launch – mere minutes. This poses the threat of an accidental nuclear exchange triggered by a false launch warning, with the officer in charge having no time to double check.


“Russia will be forced to create and deploy weapon systems, which can be used not only against the territories from which this direct threat would be projected, but also against those territories where decision centers are located, from which an order to use those weapons against us may come.” The Russian president, who was delivering a keynote address to the Russian parliament on Wednesday, did not elaborate on whether any counter-deployment would only target US command-and-control sites in Europe or would also include targets on American soil. He did say the Russian weapon system in terms of flight times and other specifications would “correspond” to those targeting Russia.


“We know how to do it and we will implement those plans without a delay once the relevant threats against us materialize,” he said.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.5285934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5978 >>6007 >>6087 >>6187 >>6268 >>6285

‘Staged fakery’: Eye rolling on Twitter as Sky News posts video of White Helmets ‘rescuing puppies'


Twitter users have expressed disbelief after Sky News published a video purporting to show members of the controversial White Helmets “rescuing puppies” in jihadist-controlled Idlib, Syria.


“A team from the Syrian Civil Defence, or White Helmets, were able to rescue two puppies from the rubble following rocket strikes,” Sky News wrote in a tweet promoting the 31-second clip.


The video shows a group of men from the polarizing, foreign-funded “civil defense” group removing rocks lying on top of a puppy, which, even after surviving a rocket attack and being buried under the rubble, shows no visible signs of injury.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.5285965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sweden To Deport Palestinian Migrant Synagogue Firebomber


The Supreme Court of Sweden has announced a new ruling that will see a Palestinian migrant who was found guilty of firebombing a Jewish synagogue in Gothenburg expelled from the country.


The ruling came against a 23-year-old Palestinian, identified as Feras Alnadim by online Swedish media, who had previously been sentenced for his participation in the synagogue attack that occurred in December of 2017, soon after U.S. President Donald Trump announced the U.S. embassy in Israel would be moving to Jerusalem SVT reports.


Initially, a district court ruled that the 23-year-old could not be deported back to the Gaza strip but that ruling was appealed with the argument that the 23-year-old may face persecution in his home country.


Now, following a report from the Swedish Migration Board, the Supreme Court has upheld the original ruling. The judgement claimed that there was no “reasonable reason” to assume Alnedim would “risk being punished with death or being subjected to bodily punishment, torture or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”


The court also ruled on two other migrants, a Syrian and a Libyan, who will also be deported following their prison sentences for robbery in the case of the Libyan and serious rape in the case of the Syrian national.


Deportations of asylum seekers have been a difficult issue in Sweden regarding certain countries like Afghanistan where around 9,000 migrants were allowed to stay in Sweden due to an outcry by groups and activists who claimed the country was too dangerous for migrants to return to.


In one case, an Afghan migrant who was aboard a plane set to be deported was” saved” by young Swedish activist Elin Ersson who cried and refused to allow the Turkish airline’s flight to take off. It was later revealed that the Afghan migrant had previously been convicted of assault.


Gang raping Swedish women is ok tho, no deportation for that!

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.5286032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6071 >>6101 >>6187 >>6285

Putin's State of the Nation Address for 2019


MOSCOW, February 20. /TASS/ Russian President Vladimir Putin conveyed his annual message to the Federal Assembly.


The President’s State of the Nation is the annual public address by the head of state to both houses of parliament, which covers the state of affairs nationwide and defines the main paths of domestic and foreign policy. In total, the presidential address took 1 hour and 27 minutes, with the first part mostly devoted to the country’s socio-economic development, demographics, education and healthcare. The second half covered defense and international security issues.


On demography and social protection


At the very beginning of his speech, the president stressed that the government should prioritize social issues. “Russia must move forward gaining momentum,” Putin said. "We are pressed for time, I have said that on numerous occasions, and you are perfectly aware of that," the head of state stressed. "We cannot waste it on more coordination."


Putin is convinced Russia will be able to restore the natural growth in its population by 2023-2024.

The president proposes increasing payments for first and second children starting from January 1, 2020. About 70% of families with their first and second children will be able to use it. “More children means less taxes,” said the president.

Some 90,000 places should appear in Russian nurseries in 2019, in just three years their number should exceed 270,000. “So that parents could work, study, be happy, enjoy parenting and motherhood, we have already ensured practically the universal availability of kindergartens,” Putin said.

The president moves on to mortgage lending, sets out the objective of reducing mortgage rates first to 9% and then to 8% and below. Special support measures are needed for families with children. Large families pay a rate of 6%. It is essential to extend the benefit for the entire duration of the mortgage.


On education and culture


By the end of 2021, all schools in Russia will have to have high-speed Internet, the president said.

Putin generally noted the success and progress in the sphere of education, but he says that there is no heating, or repairs in a number of schools. Over the next two years, pertinent problems such as these must be ironed out.

The president rolls out his Zemsky Teacher program to be launched in 2020, to incentivize teachers – offering each one a million rubles ($15,000) - to move to work in villages and small towns all across the country.

The national project provides for 17 billion rubles ($258.7 mln). More than 6 billion rubles ($91.3 mln) would be allocated for the building and reconstruction of rural community centers and local cultural centers with an aim of boosting cultural development in far-off regions of the country.

Putin proposed exempting regional museums, theaters and libraries from income taxes, making this benefit indefinite. This will allow them to save some 4 billion rubles annually and spend the money on their development and boosting the income of their employees.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.5286064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6187 >>6193 >>6285

Venezuela Aid Live: Why is Branson being told to 'back off'?


To say Venezuela is in the middle of a political crisis would be an understatement. President Nicolás Maduro is locked in a power struggle with Juan Guaidó, an opposition politician and the self-declared interim leader of the country.


So what better way to make the situation less complicated than to add a spat between one of the world's richest people and the bass player from Pink Floyd?


Yes… it's a pretty weird situation.


Richard Branson, the British billionaire behind the Virgin group of companies, announced last week that he was planning to hold a concert to raise money for aid for Venezuela - inspired by similar benefits like Live Aid.


The concert, Venezuela Aid Live, is due to happen this Friday in the Colombian border town of Cucuta, near a bridge that connects it to Venezuela (a bridge, incidentally, that President Maduro has blocked off with shipping containers to prevent US aid getting in).


Guaidó sets up Venezuela aid confrontation

Brazil joins Venezuela aid campaign

Trump appeals to Venezuelan military


Mr Branson says the concert will be free for people who can go in person, and live-streamed internationally for those who can't.


The ultimate goal, Mr Branson says, is to raise tens of millions of dollars through donations, and to get aid through President Maduro's blockades - although how exactly he will do that remains unclear.


"Let the music inspire and mobilise you," he adds. "United through music, we can make a huge difference and help bring an end to the needless suffering of millions."


And now, in response, Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters has released a video telling Mr Branson to "back off".

What did Roger Waters say?


In a two-minute video posted on Twitter, the musician says Mr Branson's "Live-Aid-ish" concert has "nothing to do with humanitarian aid at all".


If you had any doubt the Aid is weapons for war!

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.5286141   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The PM is pressing the religious Zionist Jewish Home party to partner with the Kahanists of Otzma Yehudit. It makes cynical political sense for his interests, but what of Israel’s?


Netanyahu’s despicable push to bring racists into Israel’s political mainstream


The Jewish Home party, the current iteration of what used to be Israel’s National Religious Party, is Wednesday night set to vote on a pre-election alliance with Otzma Yehudit, a racist successor to the banned Kach party of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.


Kahane, who won a seat in the Knesset 35 years ago on a platform of revoking citizenship from Arab Israelis and a pledge to “transfer” out of the country those who would not accept this status, and who sought to outlaw sex and marriage between Jews and non-Jews, was banned as a racist from seeking re-election four years later.

Interviewed on Army Radio on Wednesday afternoon, the party’s leader, former MK Michael Ben Ari, was asked to disavow Kahane’s racist ideology. He ridiculed the notion. Kahane, he said, was his teacher, his rabbi.


Also at the party helm is lawyer Itamar Ben Gvir, who first made headlines in Israel in 1995 when he held up the stolen Cadillac symbol from prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s car and crowed to a TV camera, “We got to his car and we’ll get to him too.”


So too is Baruch Marzel, a former top aide to Kahane known for organizing parties in celebration of Baruch Goldstein, who massacred 29 Palestinians at prayer in Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs in 1994.


And Benzi Gopstein, an ex-Kahane student and Kach activist whose Lehava movement works to prevent relationships — romantic and otherwise — between Jews and Arabs.

Anonymous ID: d31086 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.5286191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6215

Confessions from a paid shill.


Even here, people aren’t quite used to the idea of shills but there are organizations, politicians and PR firms that attack different narratives and forums. This is a good background of a shill talking about the way he operated.


It’s a shill talking about the way he shilled for certain politicians online and how the PR firms work.