Anonymous ID: 8b4f02 Feb. 20, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.5286552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6601




Baker held onto that belief until shortly before his former boss FBI Director James Comey made the public announcement not to charge Clinton on July 5, 2017. He said he changed his position only after arguing and discussing the situation over a period of time with senior colleagues at the bureau, to include Comey. Comey, however, had already written an early draft in May, exonerating Clinton and changing “grossly negligent,” a legal term for mishandling classified information to “extremely careless,” according to drafts obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.


So basically, he was let in on the fact that he'd get fucked up or lose his job if he didnt play along and or was let in on the plan of the attempt of "SHE MUST WIN!"