It is hard to believe it is finally happening.
It is clear to anyone that has spent any amount of time here that the nature of the posts have changed, their frequency has changed and the mockingbird media narrative has changed.
The two narratives are collapsing into each other.
Mueller investigation is ending.
All we will be left is will be what actions Barr and the DOJ take next.
It is clear that we can now expect [[[RR]]] to depart and then for Horowitz to agree to DECLAS.
From that point forward the media will have no choice but to describe our narrative as it unfolds.
Qresearch introduced me to the chans. I haven't been here since day one, but have been here long enough to appreciate what is going on in all its glory.
We are witnessing the systematic tearing down of the old Guard and it is glorious.
Love you anons.
no homo