Anonymous ID: b9c1ac Feb. 20, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.5290286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0300 >>0394 >>0410 >>0545 >>0797



No stranger to controversies, former CBS reporter Lara Logan has drawn the ire of mainstream journalists for saying that the “mostly liberal” media have become more like “political activists” and “propagandists.”

Speaking to Mike Ritland of the conservative Mike Drop podcast, Logan said coverage of US President Donald Trump was negative “all the time” and a “distortion” of real life. In particular, she said that stories using a single, anonymous government source –a phenomenon that is becoming more common in US reporting– was “horsesh*t” and “not journalism.”

Logan, who left CBS news in 2018, said that, while the media had always been left-leaning, now it had abandoned any "pretense" to be objective and said she was probably committing “professional suicide” by airing her views on the subject. She suggested people "seek out" sites like the conservative Breitbart to understand the "other side" of events in the US.

Unsurprisingly, mainstream journalists didn’t take kindly to Logan’s assessment of the media landscape and were quick to remind everyone of her own professional failures – in particular a controversial report about the 2012 attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, which forced her to take a leave of absence from CBS in 2013.

Others rushed to make sure everyone knew that Logan was no longer actually with CBS, as some conservatives’ reports had suggested.

Anonymous ID: b9c1ac Feb. 20, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.5290721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0749

Videos of children showing their exposed buttocks, underwear and genitals are racking up millions of views on YouTube – with the site displaying advertising from major cosmetics and car brands alongside the content.

Comments beneath scores of videos appear to show paedophiles sharing timestamps for parts of the videos where exposed genitals can be seen, or when a child does the splits or lifts up their top to show their nipples. Some of the children in the videos, most of whom are girls, appear to be as young as five. Many of the videos have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views, with hundreds of comments.

The videos are also being monetised by YouTube, including pre-roll adverts from Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Fortnite, Grammarly, L’Oreal, Maybelline, Metro: Exodus, Peloton and Banner advertising for Google and the World Business Forum also appeared alongside some of the videos. As well as providing YouTube with our research, we contacted the advertisers to alert them to the issue.

Videos of little girls playing Twister, doing gymnastics, playing in the pool and eating ice lollies are all routinely descended upon by hordes of semi-anonymous commenters, sharing time codes for crotch shots, directing other people to similar videos of children and exchanging phone numbers along with a promise to swap more videos via WhatsApp or Kik. On some videos, confused children who have uploaded videos of them playing in the garden respond to comments asking them how old they are. On one video, a young girl appears to ask another commenter why one of the videos had made him “grow”. The video shows the child and her friend doing yoga and is accompanied by pre-roll advertising from L’Oreal. The video has almost two million views.

“We’re absolutely horrified and have reached out to YouTube to rectify this immediately,” a Grammarly spokesperson said. “We have a strict policy against advertising alongside harmful or offensive content. We would never knowingly associate ourselves with channels like this.”