Anonymous ID: dc2b80 Feb. 20, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.5290416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disney, Nestle Pull YouTube Ads Over 'Soft-Core Pedo Ring' Exposed By Blogger


Walt Disney is joining Nestle SA and other companies in pulling ads from YouTube after a blogger uncovered a "soft-core pedophilia ring" facilitated in the comments section, reports Bloomberg. Some of the videos involved in the pedo ring were placed next to Disney and Nestle advertisements, according to the report.


All Nestle companies in the U.S. have paused advertising on YouTube, a spokeswoman for the company said Wednesday in an email. Video game maker Epic Games Inc. and German packaged food giant Dr. August Oetker KG also said they had postponed YouTube spending after their ads were shown to play before the videos. Disney has also withheld its spending, according to people with knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified because the decision hasn’t been made public. -Bloomberg


In a 20-minute YouTube video published Sunday which has over 1.7 million views as of this writing, blogger Matt Wilson described how comments on YouTube were being used to identify certain videos in which young girls can be seen participating in sexually suggestive behavior - such as posing in front of mirrors and doing gymnastics and "yoga stretching." When one clicked on one of the videos, YouTube algorithms then suggested similar 'pedo-centric' material.


YouTube says it has taken action, telling Bloomberg in an email: "Any content –including comments – that endangers minors is abhorrent and we have clear policies prohibiting this on YouTube. We took immediate action by deleting accounts and channels, reporting illegal activity to authorities and disabling violative comments." YouTube says that total ad spending on the videos was under $8,000 over the last two months, and they will refund advertisers.


The question remains - why hasn't YouTube done more to police the 'soft-core pedo porn' on its platform? Child exploitation over YouTube is nothing new, and even has its own hashtag: #Elsagate, named after a character in the 2013 Disney animated film Frozen. Most famous for these "soft core pedo porn" videos was the "Seven Super Girls" channel, which is still active. The sexually suggestive videos were brought to light by comedian Daniel Tosh in a 2017 segment on Tosh.0.


Tosh staged a “To Catch a Predator” style spoof on the type of viewers who were watching the seven girls’ videos. You guessed it….pedophiles. Unfortunately, their videos are extremely popular and serve as an indictment to the world’s pedophilic attractions. The channel has nearly 3,000 videos uploaded. But this is no ordinary children’s show, and without a doubt, 1980’s era censors would have driven themselves mad in an attempt to shut down the perversion. At first glance, the Seven Super Girls YouTube homepage, arguably, looks like one’s favorite porn site. Each under-18 girl has her own subchannel. To the unwitting, however, the site may look like girls dressed like girls, engaging in activities which girls enjoy — going to camp, hanging with friends by the pool, and playing dress up. But to a pedophile, the site is a smorgasbord of smut, carefully crafted to serve as eye candy for adults and teenagers to indulge in their child-sex fantasies. After we clicked on the entire list of videos and selected to sort by most popular, it became clear to us at The Free Thought Project, the videos are in no way innocent. -Free Thought Project



As Bloomberg notes, YouTube has had advertisers pull out from the platform over extremist and violent content, as well as "inappropriate videos meant for kids." Brands which boycotted included Procter & Gamble and AT&T, which have since returned to the site.


On Wednesday, YouTube released an update to their policies on how they will handle content which "crosses the line."

Anonymous ID: dc2b80 Feb. 20, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.5290739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0786 >>0991

The family secret Bruce Ohr told Rod Rosenstein about Russia case



Who would have thought that, this deep into the Russia collusion probe, we'd be learning about yet another dossier connected to Hillary Clinton? And, as it turns out, it was sort of a family secret. By his own account, senior Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce Ohr played an essential — and unorthodox — role, carrying politically tainted allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion to the FBI during the 2016 election. First, it was unverified intelligence starting in July 2016 from Trump-hating former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Russia dossier. Next, it was sketchy intelligence starting in August 2016 from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, an opposition-research contractor who hired Steele and was paid to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign develop political dirt on Trump. And now we learn, from testimony that is still being kept secret from the public, that Ohr admitted to Congress last year that he also took Russia information that his wife, Nellie, assembled against Trump on a computer drive and delivered that to the FBI in 2016 — a revelation that has raised fresh concerns in Congress about a possible conflict of interest.


Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and, for a time, worked on the same Clinton-financed Russian research project as Steele, according to the testimony. DOJ ethics rules forbid department officials from working in cases where a spouse has a financial interest, a prohibition that Bruce Ohr said he knew about when he forwarded his wife’s evidence to the FBI.


The way Ohr described it, his wife’s research was like an additional dossier assembled from Fusion GPS research to augment what Steele was separately providing the FBI. “She (Nellie Ohr) provided me with a memory stick that included research she had done for Fusion GPS on various Russian figures,” Ohr told congressional investigators. “And the reason she provided that information to me is, my understanding was, it related to some of the same — it related to the FBI’s Russia investigation. And she gave me that stick to give to the FBI.”


Ohr’s revelation about his wife adds yet another example of people connected to the Clinton machine flooding the FBI with anti-Trump Russia research during the 2016 election. Steele’s dossier was the opening salvo. A document sent to the State Department by Clinton proteges Cody Shearer and Sidney Blumenthal was another. A thumb drive given by Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman to FBI general counsel James Baker was a third. Simpson's thumb drive given to Bruce Ohr was a fourth. And Nellie Ohr’s thumb drive would be a fifth. At least three of those work products — those from Steele, Shearer/Blumenthal and Nellie Ohr — resemble what many people might consider a dossier.

Anonymous ID: dc2b80 Feb. 20, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.5290888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0907 >>0909

GOP Sen. Collins says she'll back resolution to block Trump's emergency declaration



GOP Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) on Wednesday said that she would support a resolution to block President Trump's emergency declaration to construct the U.S.-Mexico border wall. Collins, speaking to reporters in Maine, said that she would support a resolution of disapproval that was focused on the emergency declaration, which she has described as being of "dubious constitutionality." “If it’s a ‘clean’ disapproval resolution, I will support it,” she told reporters, according to the Associated Press. Collins's comments make her the first Republican senator to say they will back legislation to block Trump's executive action. A spokeswoman for Collins didn't immediately respond to The Hill's request for comment.


But Collins has spoken out strongly against Trump's actions, arguing that the National Emergencies Act wasn't meant to be used to shuffle around money to build a border wall. "I am strongly opposed to the president invoking his national emergency powers. I don't believe that's what the law was intended to cover," she told a Maine TV station on Tuesday. Trump announced on Friday that he was declaring a national emergency for the U.S.-Mexico border wall after Congress passed a funding bill that included $1.375 billion for physical barriers — well below the $5.7 billion requested by the president.


Democrats are expected to force a vote on a resolution of disapproval to block the emergency declaration. The resolution could be filed in the House as soon as Friday, according to the AP. If the resolution passes the House, where Democrats have a majority, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) would be able to force a vote in the Senate. If all 47 Democrats supported it, they would still need to win over four Republican senators to send the resolution to Trump's desk, where White House officials have indicated he would veto the measure.


Collins is the only Republican senator to say, so far, that they would vote for a resolution of disapproval. But several Republican senators have raised concerns about, or expressed opposition to, Trump's actions. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said late last week that she didn’t “think that this is a matter that should be declared a national emergency.” And Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said in a statement after Trump's announcement that the decision was "unwise" because of the precedent it set for future presidents. "It is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution because, after the American Revolution against a king, our founders chose not to create a chief executive with the power to tax the people and spend their money any way he chooses," he added. "The Constitution gives that authority exclusively to a Congress elected by the people.