Can anyone help me out - Do you know what it says on this picture?
I've checked multiple sources but I'm not having any luck, so thought I'd throw up here… Mucho Thanks in advance!
Can anyone help me out - Do you know what it says on this picture?
I've checked multiple sources but I'm not having any luck, so thought I'd throw up here… Mucho Thanks in advance!
Anonymous 11/18/20 (Wed) 16:20:50 7f4e62 (2) No.11697224 >>11697745 >>11705452
>>I think it is Russian in Cyrillic script, minus the Z character at the end of each word:
Архистратиг небесных сил архангел Михаил
(Arkhistratig nebesnykh sil arkhangel Mikhail)
>>translated into English:
Commander in Chief of the Heavenly Forces Archangel Michael