>>5287001 (PB)
Reality: you will never get all the facts. You will always have to make decisions based on the best (partial / adulterated) set of facts you can collect because every decision has a deadline.
>>5286959 (PB)
Interesting point. Who / what is Coats not loyal to? The libs seem to think that the problem is that he's not loyal to Trump. I suspect that he's not loyal to the nation. >>5286660 (PB)
POTUS IS in real (and continuing) danger. Keep those prayers coming and keep your boom sticks clean, oiled and topped off.
>>5286677 (PB)
Interesting. According to the article as excerpted here, she was born here. Pompeo is taking the "owing allegiance" part of the Constitution seriously. This looks to me as if it would be an EXCELLENT test case for "anchor babies".
Lawfags … feel free to chime in.