Video embedded: PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"
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Source: Netanyahu Speech at 2019 Tel Aviv Cybertech Conference
You can find the full speech here:
In this exerpt of his speech at the 2019 Tel Aviv Cybertech Conference, Netanyahu says:
“After all our NSA, which is called Unit 8200, is pretty big, how big do you think it is? I’ll give a hint: the USA is about 42 times the size of Israel in terms of population, so how much bigger do you think the American NSA is relative to the Israeli NSA? No brave people among you? 42 times? 40 times? Ah, come on, its not 5 times. But its not 10 times bigger. Its not even 10 times bigger. You know the 5 Eyes? Israel is the 6th Eye? No, Israel is the 2nd Eye. So we have a tremendous sunk investment, whether we like it or not, to survive, you know Israel is not that big a country, but it has to have a big defence capability.”
>Please take special attention to this part of the quote:
<”You know the 5 Eyes? Israel is the 6th Eye? No, Israel is the 2nd Eye.”
Q has mentioned the 5 Eyes numerous times: