Any NM anons got some pictures of the new wall?
Student loans was a sham to make colleges adhere to the govt curriculum of atheism and socialism to be eligible for students to receive student loans. That is why colleges are so left leaning today. Students now take loans, get brainwashed, and never pay the loans back. the student got paid, the college got paid, the govt is out nothing, and the taxpayers loses money and becomes surrounded by socialist who want to live on the govt dime. Stop the student loan conspiracy to destroy America from within.
I see his noose tightening.
It happened in the land of Oprah, Obummer, and Rahm Emanuel, dont expect a liberal to be punished. The federal govt may file more serious charges for using the mail to send a fake death threat to himself.
Still following fake news on MSM? Someday you will wake up and throw the tell-lie-vision away.
NO means NO.