Does anyone see the contraditction in the Smollet case and the growing discontent from conservative Christians about rhe worldwide push for acceptance of homosexuality. Haven't we learned the effect of Obergefell on the push of LGBTQ culture to the mainstream, ans moreovee the persecution of christian bakers and businesses. WAKE UP! POTUS is wrong on this. Bad move. It's creating a REAL RIFT in the MAGA movement. Make America GAY Again?
Q, We really don't care about the swamp right now. You and the POTUS betrayed us! We are VERY UPSET ABOUT THIS.
POISON loser! My HS kids are hackers bozo! This is poison!
The optics for us Christians is very bad, trust me.
I honestly don't know what we've got after yesterday's shenanigans. Gas is back up! Obama LGBTQ policy and promoters in play. What's that? Not MAGA.
I'm sure there's a group of pedos for Trump too, no? And no, Anons do not love gaytriots. It's fake and gay.
It already did. See my previous news post. It's a big slap in our faces.