Anonymous ID: a730b2 Feb. 20, 2019, 5:52 p.m. No.5293671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3727

JP Morgan Chase CEO Wears Cuff Links Obama Gave Him To Hearing


P Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wore Presidential Seal cuff links given to him by President Barack Obama to his Senate Banking Committee hearing last week, sparking speculation that he may have been sending a signal to Democrats on the committee.


And what might that signal be?


First, that in 2008, JP Morgan Chase employees were among Mr. Obama’s largest donors, giving a combined $808,799 to his presidential campaign.


Second, that Mr. Obama–who himself has assets valued at between $500,000 and $1 million with JP Morgan Chase–has called Mr. Dimon one of America’s “smartest bankers.”


Finally, as the Government Accountability Institute recently revealed, that JP Morgan Chase provides $15.2 billion in home mortgages to Democrat-backing unions AFL-CIO and SEIU.


On Tuesday, Mr. Dimon will appear before the House Financial Services Committee to discuss how JP Morgan, who previously received $25 billion in bailout money, lost almost $3 billion.

Anonymous ID: a730b2 Feb. 20, 2019, 6:02 p.m. No.5293937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3958 >>4039 >>4111 >>4185 >>4231

Mitt Romney transfers $1 million left over from his presidential run to his Senate race in Utah



Mitt Romney’s 2012 run as the GOP presidential nominee made him a household name in Utah. As it turns out, that past campaign also gave him a big financial head start for his U.S. Senate race here now.


He transferred $1 million left over from his presidential campaign to his Senate push, according to disclosure forms made available by his campaign Tuesday.


He may still have a few hundred thousand dollars more left in the presidential account. His year-end report for it previously had listed $1.3 million in cash on hand there.


Including the $1 million transfer, Romney reported raising $1.68 million through April 1 this year for his Senate bid. He reported spending $526,516, and said he has $1.15 million in cash on hand.


The big-money transfer — originating mostly from out-of-state donors — brought criticism from other candidates.


“The $1 million is indicative of what we’re seeing from Mitt Romney. He’s bringing in national money to make this a national-profile race,” said Jenny Wilson, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination in the race.


“I’m a Utahn running for Utahns,” she said, adding most candidates receive some national money but not as much as Romney is attracting. “Utahns need to ask if Mitt would represent the nation, or would he represent Utah.”


Wilson’s disclosure form is not due for another week, because the Utah Democratic Convention is a week later than the state GOP convention. She said she expects to have a small fraction of cash on hand compared to Romney.


“It’s challenging to compete against that kind of money,” said Larry Meyers, a St. George attorney who is one of 11 Republicans challenging Romney at the April 21 Utah Republican Convention.


He figures he has raised about $15,000 total and has about $4,000 cash on hand.


Meyers — a conservative running well to the right of Romney — figures he still has a shot as he has been campaigning hard among the 4,000 or so state delegates with phone calls, group meetings and one-on-one meetings. “I think the message matters more than the money.”

Anonymous ID: a730b2 Feb. 20, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.5293981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4111 >>4185

Mitt Romney's Chappaquiddick and the Kennedy Fixer Connection


Like many who had never heard of Chappaquiddick, I was startled to discover that Mitt Romney also had a fatal accident in 1968.


April 16, 2018) – I’m looking forward to seeing the newly released film about Ted Kennedy’s fatal automobile accident off the Chappaquiddick bridge in 1969, where his 28 year old blonde staffer, Mary Jo Kopechne, was killed. Not out of meanness, or ghoulishness (I’ll almost certainly have to look away if they show her slowly dying), but because I hear the young writers had never heard of the incident before, so they just jumped deep into research to find out what really happened, and then wrote the most accurate and honest script they could. So like these young writers who had never heard of Chappaquiddick, last week I was startled to discover, while reading Mitt Romney’s Wikipedia page, that Mitt Romney also had a fatal accident in 1968, where his mission president's wife, Leona Anderson, was killed while he was driving the mission car through Southern France. “Is this story even real?” I wondered, “And if so, why didn’t I, or absolutely anyone I asked in Utah, ever hear it?” We had closely followed his presidential campaign with hope, prayed for his success, and voted for him in faith, only to be aggrieved at his loss. His 2012 loss to Obama upset me so, I didn’t even turn on Fox News, or pay attention to politics for many months, and I had been a daily Fox News junkie since 9-11.


So out of curiosity, not malice, I went down the research rabbit hole to find out the details about this accident, and emerged a week later with a troubling conclusion how Mitt Romney and his team have been deliberately distorting the truth of what actually happened after the accident for 50 years. I feel compelled to share my factually based conclusions for two reasons: 1. Because I love sharing the truth when I’ve found it, whether those truths be religious, political, or practical, and 2. I see a similar pattern of deception in Romney’s campaign to take Utah’s Senate seat today. Before accusing me of unfairly dredging up an old, horrible, private tragedy, consider this incident is not something Mitt Romney wants buried in the past. Just the opposite! In June 2007, to introduce himself to the nation in preparation for his first run for the U.S. presidency, he worked with the Boston Globe to publish a puff feature article entitled “Touched by Tragedy, a Leader Emerges from a Life of Privilege” in which this 1968 tragedy was the primary focus as a turning point in his life. In 2012, preparing for his second run at the presidency he again worked with Boston Globe writers to produce his biography “The Real Romney” and again chapter 4 ”A Brush with Tragedy” is pivotal: taking him from the day before the accident to his decision to join Bain and company.


Some will also accuse me of doing this for personal political gain, since I filed to run for this same Senate race, however I know sharing what I found is going to incur a tidal wave of hateful and accusative comments among my fellow Utah Republicans, and by doing so I am almost assuredly sacrificing any chance I had to be chosen in the coming state delegate convention.


I’ll start with the few indisputable facts about the tragic accident, compare what happened at Beaulac to what happened at Chappaquiddick (Spoiler alert: Mitt was NOT, I repeat, was NOT responsible for the death of his mission president's wife), then the problems with Romney’s contrived narrative after the accident, and finish with how it is relevant to Mitt Romney’s campaign today.

Anonymous ID: a730b2 Feb. 20, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.5294048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4097 >>4111 >>4185

Mitt Romney’s Financial Mysteries



PRESSURE is mounting for Mitt Romney to release more of his financial records. Mr. Romney has made public only his 2010 tax returns and has said his 2011 documents will be released soon. “That’s all that’s necessary for people to understand something about my finances,” he said recently. He is “simply not enthusiastic,” he also said, about giving the Obama campaign “hundreds or thousands of more pages to pick through, distort and lie about.”


But it is a good bet that Mr. Romney’s vetters have picked through more than two years of returns of his vice-presidential contenders. And the Senate typically requires more for confirmation to a cabinet or even a subcabinet post. Until Mr. Romney recognizes the right of voters to understand the finances of their leaders, all we are left with is speculation.


Some commentators have suggested, for example, that — like tens of thousands of other Americans who have taken advantage of an Internal Revenue Service amnesty — he might not have declared and paid taxes on his Swiss bank account. I can’t imagine that he would have engaged in such blatant tax cheating. He is far too smart for that.


Another suggestion is that in 2009 he paid income taxes significantly below the 13.9 percent he paid in 2010. This is more plausible, and potentially more damaging politically, even if perfectly legal.


After all, the one year’s tax returns that he has released raise doubt about his campaign’s claims that his offshore accounts did not save him one penny of tax. Putting business assets into an individual retirement account invested in a Cayman Islands corporation allows Mr. Romney to avoid the “unrelated business income tax” — a 35 percent levy — on at least some of his I.R.A.’s earnings, a tax that he would have had to pay if his I.R.A. were held directly by a financial institution in the United States.

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With an I.R.A. account of $20 million to $101 million, the tax savings would be more than a few pennies.