Anonymous ID: e521ab Feb. 20, 2019, 6:33 p.m. No.5294618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I clicked on a link where these 3 guys were on some talk show where Ariana Grande, their idol or something, surprised them but then I saw this other video of them n they dressed them as women… WTF? I've seen that one boy they dress like a female but wow..WTF!!?? If this is old news then my bad. I have ptsd so I don't listen to any music, specially any of this new stuff…n I haven't had a Tell-a-lie-Vision in well over a decade so I'm way out of the ghey loop. I couldn't understand how rap n hip hop were so mainstream until Q and now it all makes sense. I look forward to Q team restructuring the education system.