Anonymous ID: 5eabf6 Feb. 20, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.5295221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5244 >>5452 >>5631 >>5727


HOWIE CARR, HOST: Who are you for, for president right now, Ann?


ANN COULTER: Well, don't tell him but I'm planning on giving Mitt Romney a little more time to rest – flying out, kidnapping him and depriving him of sleep, food and water until he agrees to run again. 


CARR: You're kidding?




CARR: You really want him to run again?


COULTER: Yeah, I think he was a fantastic candidate. As I've told you before, he would have won by a larger landslide than Ronald Reagan did in 1980 without Teddy Kennedy's immigration bill. And it's basically impossible to beat an incumbent, but he is head and shoulders better than the other candidates we had. And I don't want to name them, but I mean you go through the list – and for one thing, as you and I discussed, and this is the most important point, that all of your listeners have to tell all of their friends knock it off with the Congressmen or inspirational figures. It's got to be a Governor or a Senator, preferably a Governor. And, you know, there is a limited world – a list of who those people are, and they all have problems. None of them are articulate and reasonable, and as good on immigration as Mitt Romney!


CARR: What about Ted Cruz?


COULTER: Well, he's a lot worse on immigration.


CARR: Is he that bad? I didn't think he was that bad on immigration.


COULTER: Well, most Republicans are, that's why you need to call your Congressman. I'm not singling out Ted Cruz, he has the same position a lot of these idiots have. 'Oh yes, let them come here and we have a special permit, we just won't give them citizenship. But we want to increase guest workers.' 


That's going to last 10 seconds and destroy the Republican party with Hispanics. What are we going to have, a servant class we're going to bring in to work for us? Um, no, within six months they will all be citizens voting for the Democrats, and Republicans will never win another election.


No, but Romney was the best on immigration of any candidate in my lifetime with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan, but he was hoodwinked in passing that amnesty –


CARR: Right, Simpson-Mazzoli, or whatever it was called in 1986.


COULTER: And with the promise of border enforcement. I mean, Ed Meese himself has said if Reagan could go back, he never would have signed that now. He was double-crossed.


CARR: Yeah, but people are saying, 'No, Ann, no. No more RINOs.'


COULTER: Well, that's just the mob taking over – you may not have the tribe wanting to run Romney again, but the idea the he's a RINO, as opposed to what, Rick Perry, who gave illegal aliens in-state tuition. The same thing with Chris Christie. And, as I say, Ted Cruz is a disaster on illegal immigration.