Anonymous ID: ea242a Feb. 20, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.5295114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141


>garrison’s take on romney back in 2012

Ben still delivers to this day


Of all the characters in this saga, I dig his humor, wit and modesty reliably interjecting as the play unfolds.

In pic related Garrison is basically saying he’d be doing his thing out of love for country regardless of the impact or acknowledgement, but if the Internet takes interest than so be it.

It’s striking because that’s all that it takes to make an impression and even change the course of history…a WiFi connection. But that course doesn’t change with one cartoonist or one anon alone.


This thing connecting us all, concerned people (who care about the future of our country) with a steady gumption to make waves, consistently, and to such a degree the Internet and real world take notice -with growing numbers of the wise taking heed….


To think a motley crew of regular joes and janes the world over, cheering for team humankind, could make for such a formidable force to an Old Guard that overstayed its tenure. It’s really something else.


With that in mind, I dedicate this fine song….to us.


…let Conlee tell it….