Anonymous ID: 975e70 Feb. 20, 2019, 8:42 p.m. No.5297354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7512 >>7726 >>7936 >>8020



BRUSSELS (AFP-Jiji) — British Prime Minister Theresa May was to head back to Brussels on Wednesday to renew her quest to reopen the terms of Britain’s Brexit divorce, but appears headed for disappointment.


With less than six weeks until Brexit day, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has agreed to meet May once again, but EU leaders insist they will not restart negotiations.


“I have great respect for Theresa May, for her courage and her assertiveness. We will have a friendly talk tomorrow but I don’t expect a breakthrough,” Juncker said Tuesday.


May and the other 27 EU leaders approved a Brexit withdrawal agreement at a summit on Nov. 25 last year, but the British leader’s own Parliament rejected it on Jan. 15.


Since then, May and her ministers have repeatedly met EU leaders and their negotiator Michel Barnier to urge them to reopen the text to find a way to appease euroskeptic MPs.


May will try again on Wednesday, but on this trip she will not even meet Donald Tusk who, as president of the European Council, represents the leaders of EU member states.


She will instead meet Juncker and Barnier, who have no mandate from Tusk’s council or EU capitals to renegotiate the deal, or to modify the infamous “Irish backstop” clause.


This provides for Britain to remain in the EU customs union until a way is found — such as a future free trade deal — to ensure that Ireland’s border with Northern Ireland remains open.


Brexiteers in May’s own Conservative party see this as a “trap” to keep Britain in a form of union indefinitely, and have demanded a time limit or a unilateral exit clause.


This would be seen in Brussels as a betrayal of EU member Ireland, and it has consistently got short shrift from EU officials.


“We cannot accept a time limit to the backstop or a unilateral exit clause,” Juncker’s spokesman Margaritis Schinas told reporters on Tuesday, reiterating the longstanding EU position.

This represents a direct rejection of May’s core demand.

Anonymous ID: 975e70 Feb. 20, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.5297988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


on that reward for mittens' tax returns.

just speculating on that but other anon did uncover it and have to wonder is he really that stupid? or like many things 'in your face'