Anonymous ID: d8130f Feb. 20, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.5297673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attention Aspiring Bakers

We need you, Q needs you. We’re growing, our baker team needs to grow too. If you’ve noticed an increase in ebakes during your usual time on the board, and you’ve thought, well damn, that sucks, then (YOU) have heard the call to halp.


We’re here because we care about the truth, about fixing what’s wrong with our countries, and that means we don’t like things that suck. So if you’re secretly afraid of sucking as a new baker, STAHP. Bakers are just anons like you, we all started out feeling like, well shit, even if I suck, can’t be worse than an ebake. And now look at us – a bunch of chronic masterbakers kek! There will be challenges as with anything worth doing, but it’s an exhilarating and rewarding job. Your bakes will be part of history, think about that.

Besides: earned comfy is best comfy and you know it.

So don’t be a fucking faggot, suit up and get in here.


  1. Look through the Learn-to-bake materials found at the end of the initial dough posts every bread.

  2. Gather notables yourself alongside baker whenever. Can keep it to yourself, or post for baker/anon feedback. Gives you a feel for pacing, and if you’re about 60% the same as baker, you’re good. Don’t worry about Q drops and other skills, you’ll pick it up as you go. BO/BV can always edit in.

  3. Throw a practice bake up in /comms/ – it exists for this purpose, you can’t fuck it up. Ask a baker to check it out if you like, but it’s not required.

  4. Announce to a baker sometime you’re new and would like to try. If that feels cringe, just offer to to bake at the handoff, period. BO/BV may notice your hash doesn’t have a baking history and keep a closer eye out in case something goes wrong, but anyone’s welcome to bake that isn’t on our short list of established trouble-making shillbakers.

  5. Bake as little or as often as you like. There’s no schedule, no quota. Easy.