>>5295031 (pb)
>I live in the North West, I know Mormons…friends. Are there any Mormons on here that can speak to:
>- You're a big wealthy church…I can see the Cabal infiltrating…Thoughts?
>- Mormons I know are patriots / conservative.
>- Orin Hatch seemed like a patriot during the Kavanaugh hearings…is he?
>- Did Romney force or buy him out?
>- Sounds like older Huntsman was Cabal in dealing with China.
>- You guys have been aware of this deep state / cabal for a while…thoughts?
>Thanks in advance.
I didn't see much substance in answers to this sincere query, so here are a few things that anons should know about Mormons:
They were infiltrated by masons within a few years after starting, and thus have been shaped by masons behind the scenes from early on. Ironically, their "Book of Mormon" is one of the greatest anti-masonic works EVER WRITTEN. I'm talking fodder for serious cognitive dissonance that would split the church in a hundred directions if the deeper truths about masons ever hit their normies, because their beloved book goes into great detail about how evil these "Gadianton Robbers" were. Given a chance, they would be able to figure out how closely their temple rituals align with Satanic rituals. "Gadianton robbers" are basically an ancient form of freemasons. They play a big role toward the end of the Book of Mormon. Their league with Satan is described, and how they protect themselves with "secret signs and combinations" (secret handshakes and tokens that they use to identify each other), and how they infiltrate judicial systems exactly like masons do today, preventing true justice while protecting each other, etc, etc. There's a lot more to say in this area, but this is the essential information, intended to help guide a more nuanced understanding of the Mormons in a way that may be useful to anons.
Mormon normies are not aware of what I just said, and they are taught instead that the rituals which happen in their temples are to help them become holy. And their little old ladies believe it with all their heart and can't wait to go to the temple and do good things. They really work hard to "be good." They are kept busy 7 days a week doing things. This is one of the reasons Howard Hughes liked to hire them, as well as FBI and C_A, as time has shown. (It also helps that the best of their youth go on 2 year missions and learn another language, a skill very attractive to any spy org). Little known fact: A few decades ago, they were analyzing why so many of their missionaries were suicidal while on their missions, and with some research they discovered it was linked to the fact that, right as they become missionaries, they are exposed for the first time to the "blood covenants" part of the temple rituals, where they were making oaths to accept being murdered (in horrifically plain detail) if they ever betrayed these secrets (same as masons, as we know). This was causing enough of them to freak out while on missions that the church quietly "removed" the worst part of the blood covenants… but said "well, they're still in effect," even though they no longer go through the gruesome hand motions which indicate that they'll die, etc. Although this is useful information to know, don't get stuck on this part, because the normie Mormons are kept in the dark on such things, and those are the ones anons want to connect with.