Anonymous ID: 563512 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:02 p.m. No.5298621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You were chosen for a reason. (Post 521)


Why were we chosen?


The infiltration is so overwhelming and complete that just simply coming out and going after the Zionists/Marxists Jews would result in an instant assassination of any member of congress, Governments everywhere or position of power who dare say so.


The early tactical drops gave enough information that any decent researcher would realize it all leads back to one group who operates via infiltration and subversion of powers systems, these being government, companies and any organization that has any sway over public opinion. This is why sports teams and leagues are also heavily subverted.


Using their ability to track data gave them a way to study researchers and truthers the white hats needed for the plan, this is how they found the Autists and Anon's.Then they were able to leave crumbs in known locations to draw in the heavy diggers required for the enormous task at hand.


Q was born on /pol. Phase 1 was set in motion.


Over the course of the next year the tactical drops were used to build the network, uncover the truth, the big players and provide enough credibility to keep the ball rolling.


Divided we fall united we succeed but this division was part of the plan of the NWO as (((their))) plan required the masses being given a good guy who has saved the day and is of God. To execute this (((they))) needed a bad guy which worked nicely using the Marxists/Soros/ Muslim Brotherhood etc… And the savior the Zionists in Israel/US deep state who in actual fact plan to bring forth the anti-Christ and put the non-Jews into serf class while they are the God's of this world who are to be worshiped.


As phase 2 commenced the public was encouraged into the fold but some early Anon's left as they felt they had been misled as disinfo by Q left unfulfilled promises but the plan would've counted on that as a calculated risk as the real plan is exposing the Zionists/Marxists Jews so to do this it's essential to allow them to take down part the Marxists first so when the real fight starts we have already reduced (((their))) army.


We are the only ones who can expose the endless misery and expose the Synagogue of Satan who seek control, war and death of the most high God.


Phase 3 is about to commence, this is the most dangerous phase as the cabal still believe (((they))) are running the show. There plan is war ours is peace. KEEP FIGHTING.


You are more important than you know!


Jesus is the way!


God wins.