I hadn’t seen it and I am night shift. Not that I trusted AJ, but wtf.
Thanks for apologizing, bc I was gonna post how I want to slit your throat for that. My phone is so slow and gay.
Those can’t be the right bewbs. Put the right ones on.
We can’t just hold hands bc we’re frens?
17 amazing women? 17??? Is this even real life?! Does 17 have some secret PR spin, that I’m unaware of??
Roseanne might actually be a nice person, but I doubt she knew what she was in for. She didn’t have any of her ducks in a row, and to top it off, she was sloppy.
Pretty sure she admitted some sort of substance use leading to her posts. She got scared and apologetic. Does James Woods do that?
She shouldn’t have ran her mouth without protection. I’m sure she got a special call from POTUS. Roseanne will be ok.
Maybe her feels got hurt, that’s about it.