Anonymous ID: ecfeda Feb. 20, 2019, 11:09 p.m. No.5299444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9532



Ann Coulter was always a die-hard Rino Mitt Romney Fan. Ann has always cared about one thing and it always has come down to one thing that will forever destroy our country…illegal immigration/amnesty/voter fraud.


Mitt Romney was always conservative in only one area…immigration. But he is also spineless "quote Ann herself with regards to Romney & the media, "Romney could not have taken 10 seconds of the abuse".




  • funded abortion on demand, including late-term child killing,

-ordered pro-life hospitals to dispense the abortion pill, appointed liberal judges, put Planned Parenthood on a state heath board, ordered adoption agencies to place children with homosexuals, instituted Obama-like Romney-care, and authorized tax funding for surgical abortion on demand?


Coulter: Mitt Romney in 2016; "Cruz A Disaster On Illegal Immigration"


HOWIE CARR, HOST: Who are you for, for president right now, Ann?


ANN COULTER: Well, don't tell him but I'm planning on giving Mitt Romney a little more time to rest – flying out, kidnapping him and depriving him of sleep, food and water until he agrees to run again.


CARR: You're kidding?




CARR: You really want him to run again?


Having endorsed for president the politician (Romney) who had recently funded abortion on demand, including late-term child killing, unless she publicly recommits herself to the innocent, Ann Coulter cannot be trusted.


Ann Coulter is adept at taking on left-wing challenges. But when four conservative talk show hosts from around the nation separately confronted Ann, the best she could do was cut and run, repeatedly. After all, how does a conservative defend endorsing a liberal candidate who implemented homosexual marriage, ordered pro-life hospitals to dispense the abortion pill, appointed liberal judges, put Planned Parenthood on a state heath board, ordered adoption agencies to place children with homosexuals, instituted Obama-like Romneycare, and authorized tax funding for surgical abortion on demand?


This is a must-see YouTube video, The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups:



Romney's financials are really fishy…sketchy and should be audited and he has had alleged off shore accounts in the past…Lincoln Papers, plus his Mormon back ground & beliefs never have had the right questions asked, he's an insider, player. Is Ann easily bought or pimped for $$$ or just a control freak in all immigration policies of a potential Presidential Candidate. Ann has said that she would have voted for Hillary instead of McCain, solely because McCain was for amnesty.


PS…Ann has worked for Liberal Senators as a lawyer…she also is well informed on a specific set of legal powers granted to members of our govt.


The insiders own Romney, Sorry Ann…Romney will never deliver on the immigration policies you want your way, implemented yesterday. Like you basically stated Ann, Romney has no spine or balls. He's a sure cave in….even if he has some money stashed.