Anonymous ID: f4b051 Feb. 20, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.5299256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327 >>9344

In regards to Coulter and others, this is the game:


  1. Support a politician and gain the attention and following of their supporters

  2. Begin public appearances as an outspoken loyal supporter heaping praise upon said politician

  3. Wait for a major campaign promise to be unfulfilled or a potential scandal to arise (or have someone manufacture one)

  4. Have your people contact their people to request a bribe for your continued support during this hardship

  5. Depending on the outcome:


A. Continue shilling

B. Publically denounce and attempt to shift your following away from said politicians base and/or damage them publically

("Wow even so-and-so no longer supports them!")


This is reality folks.

Political operatives all.

The media is almost entirely comprised of con-artists, special interests, criminals and liars. In the heart of everyone alive lives this corruption, and when we are victorious over our enemies, pray it doesn't then overcome you.


Bless you all anons