Anonymous ID: 6be2bc Feb. 21, 2019, 12:28 a.m. No.5300082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0201 >>0341


Ann Coulter Always has been a Die-Hard Mitt Romney Fan (illegal immigration is and always has been her main agenda)


Three Generations Of Imbeciles Are Enough~ 02/04/2015


It’s good to see conservatives have gotten back to letting the New York Times choose their nominees for them.


The only silver lining to Mitt Romney being pushed out of the presidential race — temporarily, I hope — is that the media’s preferred GOP candidate, Jeb Bush, is catnip to the stupidest influence-seekers, so Wall Street will be wasting all kinds of money over the next few months.


Most candidates for office at least wait to get elected before betraying voters on immigration, because who doesn’t like surprises? Sen. Marco Rubio, for example, has spent his entire Washington career pushing amnesty, after saying repeatedly when he was running: “I will never support — never have and never will support — any effort to grant blanket legalization, amnesty, to folks who have entered this country illegally.”


It’s almost refreshing that Jeb doesn’t even bother to lie. To the contrary, he’s remarkably frank about his intention to pass amnesty, calling illegal immigration “an act of love.”


Recently, ICE agents in Michigan captured a major Mexican drug dealer. They knew he was here illegally, but every time they asked him his immigration status, all he said was: “Obama.”


You know what’s an even bigger magnet for illegals than a politician’s promise to pass amnesty in the future? Governors offering them driver’s licenses and in-state tuition right now.


Guess who was one of the first governors in the nation to propose driver’s licenses for illegal aliens? Jeb Bush.


Even then-Sen. Hillary Clinton came out against driver’s licenses for illegals in 2007 — at least after polls showed that 70 percent of New Yorkers strongly opposed the idea. Public opposition forced former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to drop his plan to grant illegals driver’s licenses, and he’s a man who doesn’t give up on bad ideas easily.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave illegals in-state tuition. He also directed his temporary Senate appointee to vote for the Schumer-Rubio amnesty.


Gov. Rick Perry pushed through in-state tuition for illegals in Texas (Romney’s response: “I think if you’re opposed to illegal immigration, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a heart. It means that you have a heart and a brain.”)


Gov. Mike Huckabee promoted in-state tuition, voting rights and public services for illegals, on the grounds that companies like Toyota and Nestle wouldn’t invest in Arkansas


Rick Santorum gets exercised about immigration only when he’s running for office, but while in the Senate and throughout the 2012 campaign, he opposed employer sanctions for hiring illegals. Newt Gingrich was for amnestying all illegal immigrants except felons, which he planned to accomplish with a review board to consider the individual case of every illegal immigrant in the country.


The only Republican who has ever opposed the media and big campaign donors on immigration was Mitt Romney. You know, the guy we just kicked to the curb.


As governor of Massachusetts, Romney repeatedly vetoed bills giving illegal aliens in-state tuition. He also vetoed a bill to extend health coverage to illegal aliens. And he made clear he would veto any bill allowing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, so those never made it to his desk.


While Jeb was one of the first governors to demand driver’s licenses for illegals, Romney was one of the first governors to strike a special agreement with federal immigration officials allowing Massachusetts state troopers to arrest illegal aliens.


But with the cheap-labor plutocrats up in arms during the 2012 presidential campaign over Romney’s suggestion that their serfs “self-deport,” all the Republican lickspittles rushed to denounce his untoward remark.


But instead of familiarizing themselves with the facts, most half-wits masquerading as conservative spokesmen on TV simply repeated whatever Sarah Palin said, and she believed whatever Sheldon Adelson said. Which was: Romney’s not a real conservative!


Republicans can run a presidential candidate to the left of Hillary Clinton on immigration, McCain.

Copyright 2015 Ann Coulter | Political Commentator

Anonymous ID: 6be2bc Feb. 21, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.5300201   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Romney is a nitwit, ball-less, spineless, brainless twit that will cave on immigration, ANN!


Just like everything else he's caved on.

He's a player, considered now as an insider, where Trump is a complete outsider.


Romney is bought, owned and pimped. Ann is just stupid about supporting Mitt Romney. Regardless of money wired.

Anonymous ID: 6be2bc Feb. 21, 2019, 12:51 a.m. No.5300248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like Lou Dobbs, Ann has been against illegal immigration since 1999 or before. So just because she's dopey on Romney or getting money to support him…Her original intentions were good. And this might be part of the 100 level chess game…some misinformation is necessary.


Romney will always be a turd.

Anonymous ID: 6be2bc Feb. 21, 2019, 12:56 a.m. No.5300270   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And she probably is suffering a slump in book sales, or guest calls on TV. I still think it's more complicated…she has flipped flopped before like 90% of our politicians…but she's loud and attracts attention.