DO NOT fill in your name and email.. be smart, be safe, and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
what about the SLAUGHTERING of men women and STEALING their children in their conquest westward? selective history lessons are TRASH
it says the amount of CIVIL FORFEITURE must fit the crime, this will have NO BEARING on evil fuck sticks who WILL BURN
MORMANS HISTORY STARTS WITH THIS BLOODSHED, THAT IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE RELIGION… oh and then they KIDNAPPED the children of those slaughtered and FORCED THEM to be raised under their bullshit 'religion' no division, HISTORY
we do not need your delusional revisionist history lesson, morman 'religion' is just ANOTHER prison for the mind. neither superior nor supportive of anything 'WE' need here… think for yourself, and research.
really… where are the bones?
not interested… hows them under-roo's fit?
if its all the mason's fault why continue to wear the under-roo's ??
this i know, and is why i ask.. if its all the masons's fault, why not eliminate them? why use the working tools of the operative mason? i know things….
i fail to understand your misguided slide, this is not a recruitment space, we will destroy your tightly held beliefs with research, and if you don't like it then you need to RECONCILE your own shit… not the other way around
ALL religions will need to RECONCILE their message, ritual, and doctrine going forward. The Mormons are not alone..
there are…
Good Mormons AND Bad Mormons
Good Catholics AND Bad Catholics
Good White People AND Bad White People
Good Jews AND Bad Jews
Good Black People AND Bad Black People
Good Democrats AND Bad Democrats
Good Nazi's AND Bad Nazi's
Good Russians AND Bad Russians
Good will always attract a small percentage of BAD
did you miss my last post, i will remind you…
ALL religions will need to RECONCILE their message, ritual, and doctrine going forward. The Mormons are not alone..
there are…
Good Mormons AND Bad Mormons
Good Catholics AND Bad Catholics
Good White People AND Bad White People
Good Jews AND Bad Jews
Good Black People AND Bad Black People
Good Democrats AND Bad Democrats
Good Nazi's AND Bad Nazi's
Good Russians AND Bad Russians
Good will always attract a small percentage of BAD
you are the shill.. and unfortunately I am HARSH REALITY you want to deny
DEISM… its all you need