Anonymous ID: ca9d5e Feb. 21, 2019, 12:30 a.m. No.5300106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0313

Father Admits: Kamala Harris Does Not Tell the Truth

It is pretty bad when your own father calls you a liar for misrepresenting the nation of his birth.


“Much of the attention from her disastrous interview with “Charlamagne tha God” on a Bay Area radio station rightly went to her strange timeline of pot-smoking, answering the question of whom she listened to when she got high, from Charlamagne tha God and his sidekick, DJEnvy, after she confirmed she smoked pot in college.


Her giggling Cheech and Chong–like response was this:


HARRIS: And look, I joke about it — half-joking — half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?




That didn’t go down well with Harris’s father, Stanford University professor emeritus Donald Harris, 81, a Jamaican-American who, unlike her, has actually accomplished something.


I knew that this was going to happen. In a devastating article published in MacLean’s, the leading Canadian news magazine, the retired professor of economics told a Jamaican newswire that Harris’s stereotyping of Jamaicans as potheads — and pursuit of identity politics — was as distasteful as hell.


He is a Stanford professor. He got her standing in politics the old fashioned way—her boyfriend was the married Willie Brown. Tells you a lot about her—and her Father doubles down on the truth about his daughter.

For someone running for the president of the U.S. on a politically correct identity politics ticket, it sure doesn’t look good when you gratuitously throw out a negative stereotype of anyone. If you’re shameless enough, not a problem. But when your own dad calls you out, yes, there is a problem.


The blowback is here for Kamala Harris, who, in a bid to pander to the pot vote, promoted the scuzzy stereotype of Jamaica as the pothead nation.


Much of the attention from her disastrous interview with “Charlamagne tha God” on a Bay Area radio station rightly went to her strange timeline of pot-smoking, answering the question of whom she listened to when she got high, from Charlamagne tha God and his sidekick, DJEnvy, after she confirmed she smoked pot in college.


Her giggling Cheech and Chong–like response was this:


HARRIS: And look, I joke about it — half-joking — half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?




That didn’t go down well with Harris’s father, Stanford University professor emeritus Donald Harris, 81, a Jamaican-American who, unlike her, has actually accomplished something.


I knew that this was going to happen. In a devastating article published in MacLean’s, the leading Canadian news magazine, the retired professor of economics told a Jamaican newswire that Harris’s stereotyping of Jamaicans as potheads — and pursuit of identity politics — was as distasteful as hell.


MacLean’s writes:


Her father exploded.


Donald Harris, 81, professor emeritus of economics at Stanford University, divorced from Shyamala Gopalan since 1972, offered this comment to the website Jamaica Global Online, whose editor, Ian Randle, shared it exclusively with Maclean’s:


My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.


The dad, by the way, is right.


Jamaican-Americans are by far the most successful of all the Caribbean immigrants and are famous in America for their hard work, their educational achievement, their grace, and their talents. To put them down as all Bob Marleys (who had talent but did Jamaica no favors with his association with pot) is an endless topic of irritation for Jamaicans and Jamaican-Americans who didn’t get that way by smoking pot.

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