Be B[l]est
I'm probably Q-ing up a perfect opportunity for #LearnToCode responses, but here goes…
I spent months lurking here early 2018 before posting (never used chans prior). Got the hang of things and have become a 8+ hour-a-day fag doing a little of everything. Only learned in like November that I could customize Javascript to make navagation here A GORILLIAN times easier, but I'm sure my JS is still less-than great at optimizing the experience. I have the "bird's eye" view right side scroll bar that shows where my posts, responses, Q's posts are and have the option of having a blacklist button, fade namefags, etc (currently disabling those)… but if I want to see ALL of a specific anons posts in a bread, there's gotta be a more efficient way than double-clicking their ID to highlight and then just scrolling to look for the other highlighted posts of theirs in that bread…yes? Some way to have them appear in the bird's eye view side scroll bar like my own posts/responses/Q…but with the option to click on and off any ID of my choosing?
Current code here:
For anons not aware of these capabilities, it's inadvisable to use Javascript from someone you don't know and trust (I foolishly did so and no apparent deleterious effects), but you are operating at CAVEMAN levels if you don't have a few of these basics.