Remember Pat Dollard?AC had a crush on PD. What does that tell you about the paytriot right?
Paragons of mental health?
Or someone trying to solve personal emotional problems manipulating unbalanced forces in the external environment?
The contestants in our upcoming congressional elections are a shaken'bake bag full of CIA shills, unregistered foreign agents, and common con artists.
We're lucky to have a dyed blonde, vomit breathed, Koch funded bulimic who pretends a meaningful ideological distinctions can be made among them to help us decide
>Dollard attempts to ditch his cigarette. “No, no,” Coulter tells him. “Blow smoke in my face.” She leans her oblong, Brazil-nut-shaped face toward Dollard’s lips, and he exhales through his yellow, cracked teeth. Coulter, who later explains she recently quit smoking and is still jonesing for tobacco, shuts her eyes and coos, “Thank you.”
A few days after their dinner Coulter e-mails me her impression of Dollard: “The main thing I’d say about Dollard is that when you first meet him, he looks like a bad-ass degenerate and then the moment he starts talking, you realize he’s highly intelligent, interesting and funny.… I would trust anything he says implicitly.”
Dollard shares a profound discovery he’s recently made. “I’m a warrior, dude. I am of the class of people whose role has been genetically determined to be protectors. My role is to fight the battle against Islamic-fundamentalist Fascism.”