and here I thought you were a falling petunia next to a whale….
Don't Panic - Remember your towel and your HHGTTG !
USA Today editor-in-chief admits 'horrible' mistake after she's linked to 'blackface' yearbook
[RR] sooner - days after RM report turned into B2
or Burr+Barr
wouldn't it be logical if El Chapo paid off politicians like NP and RO - why wouldn't he also pay off MSM to change reporting in his favor?
can't find the sauce but there was an article not long ago saying that most of the land needed for the wall has already been bought.
so if RED Castle is building it - and with economies of scale - and POTUS / art of the deal - imagine how inexpensive and how fast it will be built? 5 miles an hour?
she slept her way into that job. doesn't matter how well she did in lawschool - 99% is learned on the job - and she didn't do squat.
These people are stupid.
Maxine stupid.
who knows - National Treasure - what might still exist. Might be in the Library of Congress - so much still undocumented stored there.