Anonymous ID: a9a91f Feb. 21, 2019, 6:24 a.m. No.5302110   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2150


There was a group a while back who made a circulator using capacitors and mosfets…


If I had to guess, 6g is basically a slightly higher frequency using some better process technology and including this type of circulator as a standard to allow for true full duplex operation on the same frequency.

Anonymous ID: a9a91f Feb. 21, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.5302216   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2250


Of course, they have been going after AOC, and since that failed, they are going after her boyfriend.

This is why I warned everyone to be wary of who was pushing the assault on AOC. McCaskill outright threatened her.


There it is in black and white. Hillary Lite is threatening AOC with media destruction. Tie this together with the false quotes of her seeded here, regularly, the rumors of pornographic film of her (and the photoshops of her head - some of which very well done) on naked women…


I don't know if AOC is "ours" - but she is clearly under assault by our enemy, who is trying to commandeer our firepower to do it with.

Trump said it, himself. We are not going to become a socialist nation. AOC is one person in congress. She can have a minority opinion and it not be the end of the world. Rebuttal is one thing - assault is another.


They will go after AOC in any way they can to try and create a scandal and pressure for anyone around her in order to get them to turn on her.