Anonymous ID: b51755 Feb. 21, 2019, 6:33 a.m. No.5302183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2668

Mitt & his $ Money


This is the where/why/how he was moving funds around to avoid taxes. It's a GOLD MINE of info on shell companies and feeder funds.

Anonymous ID: b51755 Feb. 21, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.5302564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2570

Great Redpill on the reality of the border wall situation.


Last night Q posted [AS] was also pointing to Adam Smith - US Rep for Washington State's 9th distrtict.


#1 - Yesterday on the clock :20 min marker Q drop 1279 4/26 [EG] Define Evergreen.

We all know HRC is Evergreen but what we didn't know is that Adam Smith's office address is in 101 Evergreen Building in Renton, WA.


#2 Quick news search - Here are his most recent comments to ABC on the National Emergency for the wall"


"Unfortunately, the short answer is yes. There is a provision in law that says the president can declare an emergency. It’s been done a number of times . . ."

The congressman added that the president would be the recipient of a court challenge"


Ok - Yeah, we know. But the details in the rest of the article are a heads up to what's really going on:


Under the existing laws, the lawsuits will fail when it gets to the Supreme Court.


Here's why:

  1. To terminate the NE, Congress has to pass a joint resolution and submit for POTUS to sign - which he'd veto.

  2. Congress would have to come up with a super-majority to end the NE. (HA)

  3. The funding for a border barrier has already been blessed and signed into Congress.


The law of the land, as stated in the Secure Fence Act of 2006, is that a border barrier shall be built along the U.S. Southern border.


This is a GREAT article to share on social media. It's objectively framed to beat the Pro-Trump smell test for moderates/liberal- leaners but clearly explains how there is no legal ground for opposition to the already approved wall.