>5G Kushner
wew, doublewhammy slide, aiming high
hail mary call…
any journos at the presser, ask about Kabala
"YOU all gave this more attention"
MSM btfo
"that particular camera didn't work"…
well played, wizards&warlocks
did he almost just say "this shit…" and catch himself?
>If a hate crime is even a thing…
what about love crimes?
are those worse or not as bad?
is asking the very question absurd?
well that was fun… didn't learn that much, but those cops are rightly pissed at Jussie.
SOON, Kamala. Soon.
didn't say
>opposite ,
it's just a logical step… saying it such helps notice how dumb the "hate crime" definition is.
what if you LOVE doing crimes? LOVE inflicting pain and suffering on others?
how's that compare to your average ordinary "hate crime"?
kek yeah, that thing is so embarrassing…
the end kills me: "guys remember to say Q is fake and point to the evidence but let's just end it here without actually giving any evidence or pointing you to some"
shh, spoiler alert
then why nothing to say but breadfilling concern?
why buy the 5g fear porn hook, line & sinker?
you're just one example of dozens..
bring something to the conversation and you won't be mistaken for a useless shill
Donald J. Trump
.@JussieSmollett - what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? #MAGA