Anonymous ID: d0ac95 Feb. 21, 2019, 7:56 a.m. No.5303244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3279 >>3341 >>3345 >>3442

Theory: Q has been controlling SecureDrop/APACHE server for a long time!


• MSM doesn’t report on ANY relevant news. Do they want to bury all the stories, or they don’t have access to them?

• Would Q post “APACHE” knowing anons would eventually find it, and also knowing the MSM would know that we know?

• If the Clowns were still feeding the narrative to MSM via SecureDrop, how come the talking heads were forced to report on Stormy Daniels for about 80% during the prime time news shows?

• Does it strike you as pure luck that every single time POTUS needs to make a push on the “wall issue” another caravan of migrants organizes and dominates MSM coverage?

• Is Cortez really that important/ground-shaking that SHE (and Pelosi+Schumer) dominates MSM coverage?

• Consider the “lucky” timing of late-term/post-birth abortion in conjunction with the obviously “Trumped-up” (pun intended) Green New Deal… Sure seems to be getting harder and harder to remain loyal to the D Party, eh?

• PREDICTION: Watch MSM begin a slow, steady U-turn as it shifts from anti-Trump to “We guess he doesn’t completely suck” over the coming months.

• How do you implode both MSM and D Party at the same time without Normies revolting? From within; use their own people and force-feed their new narratives using a big fucking hammer (control).

• Since the advent of teleprompters and shared server (Operation Mockingbird) true journalism has not existed in the USA. Diggers and critical thinkers were replaced by over-paid talking heads.

• Near future reports will clearly reveal the corrupt relationship between MSM and the three-letter agencies.

• If I’m right (and I usually am) that Q is controlling the MSM narrative, it’s a sure-fire way to slowly and gently awaken the sheeple without violence. It hasn’t, isn’t and won’t be at the fervid pace anons would want, but it’s going to cut as deep and assuredly as a glacier. Checkmate.


Beer at the parade, patriots!