I see lots of memes but very few REAL NEWS RED PILLS
GEOTUS might retweet which means no profanity, no sketchy unverifiable facts only the best memes.
Expose FAKE NEWS with easy to see FACTS. What is the fastest way to show that fake news is fake? Not with a thesis, not with complex conspiracy theories, but with short and to the point memes.
Compare a fake news headline with reality eg. "Trump hates black people" vs a fact "Black unemployment is at all time low" With SOURCES shown.
Shakespeare said "Brevity is the soul of wit". That means keep it short and simple but use the TRUTH. We're not redpilling hard core lefties. They need too much work. If you're on a sinking ship and you can't save everyone, save the ones who can swim. The others will drag you down with them. Don't forget 4-6% are lost. Let's salvage who we can and OPEN THEIR EYES