has this been scanned for cypher's yet, either white or black hat code?
I would be looking for mirrored tip offs at this point, safe houses and hidden cash and arms…
saudi's and the black hats got caught in a crossfire with a few white hats and P was capped by a Saudi spy for his room after they placed the weapons in his room. The security guard is and illegal hired to blow smoke into the narrative…
W-88? Slick Willy brought it there with 80billion in food aid and a big bow!!! Immediately following a trip to the local poppet farm
Adam left the Don jr. hearing room several times and went directly to the senate floor and used his smart phone you might be able to see it on archive on C Span if it has not been deleted by now. There was links on you-tube on Friday. there are no coincidences, on the timeline CNN started and continued all day with the leaks by when they got the letter date wrong the world laugh while the DOJ took note. Q chats about a 7.8 million $$$ deal as treason and this leak got a fisa warrant for his future data and voice for everything going forward and his boot fitting is coming or plane crash!