How about 5G?
Given the open hostility and threats of violence I saw from a lot of NPCs and non-whites, it seems pretty extreme to try and instigate a race war over not making enough money.
Narrative is shifting away from the blatant antiwhite ulterior motive. Sad!
I cannot use a cell phone without earbuds these days. Holding a phone up to my ear for even a few minutes can give me a headache and a general feeling of discomfort that will last for hours. From that alone I have concerns about upgrading to 5G.
Wouldn't surprise me.
A good read is "The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs" by Nicolas Pineault. It's a good way to redpill normies on EMFs, including cell phone tech. US and Canada have no problem blasting their people with RF radiation, while several European countries have been able to establish cell tech with lower RF limits. Really makes me think.